Thursday, January 26, 2017

Hoping to avoid the Blue Falcon...

Got to bed and woke up exactly on time. Today is still an extra cup of coffee and no yoga.

Tomorrow we ratchet back on caffeine consumption.

I will probably do the Unicorn's days without the yoga and then start ramping up on that next Monday.

Monday should be interesting.

I have a date.

There is no code name, yet. I'm waiting to have the Sweetie talk with him and for him to decide whether or not he wishes to pursue a Sweetieship with me.

I remain hopeful.

I'm worried about Copperhead.

I think it became clear to him during his visit that things weren't intended to get serious between us. I know he covers it up, but I believe his heart is much more fragile than he lets on. I told him I wouldn't be hurt or upset if he decided to take some time and distance to re-acclimate to things as they are.

I want him to get over me on his own time.

I haven't heard from him since.

I've double checked my FetLife profile, and my current relationship status with Bran was right there at the top. Same as my OKC and CuddleComfort profiles. So, how he missed it, I'm not sure.

I won't deny that we had chemistry.

But, I think it's for the better if we ratchet all the way back to 'just friends'. Poor guy.

My other fear there:

He wing manned his buddy into position with me. That's my date this coming Monday. So, what happens if the buddy is more cool with the open relationship thing? The last thing I want is anyone getting initiated into the noble order of the Blue Falcon.


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