Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tired today...

There's someone new.

No date yet. But he's coming over this coming Sunday.

We met on Fet, and we've really enjoyed getting to know each other. I feel like I should code name him. But, so far nothing his coming to mind. It might be beneficial for me to ask him what he would like in a code name.

He has no car, and was planning on getting to my place with a friend. Making it a 3-person date. I asked about fulfilling my double penetration fantasy, and at first they were both game. But then his friend started to back out. I'm not offended. I feel like I want my primal lover to have me all to himself. We've discussed him spending the night and everything.

We can't make a full relationship out of this. His parents are local, but he's not. He's just here to visit. I'm okay with that. He really wants to treat me like his princess/slut and I love how much we've been flirting and teasing each other.

He's been taking my mind off Alpha, a lot.

I have other boys too. More to take my mind off Alpha.

I think it's interesting that every time I get dumped back in that dark hole, it only takes a few days for me to stop feeling bad. I feel like I'm over Alpha now. Even though I still miss him.

Sorry I'm so disjointed today. I'm really having a hard time waking up.

I don't want to fuck off the yoga another day. I need to wake up… *grr*


There's someone else who has been more of an irritation than anything. He keeps asking when we're going to go out on our date and telling me to stop being shy. He even sent me a picture of a sex toy and lube. *sigh* dude, whatever. I've told him more than once that I feel no chemistry with him. And I've let him know that it's not that I CAN'T feel chemistry. It's just that I feel nothing for him, specifically.


Come on brain. Wake the fuck up already.

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