Monday, January 9, 2017

The Things We Leave Behind...

Oh, how I hate to say it.

I'm pining over Foxtrot much in the same way that I pined over Gingersnap.

It's that fucking smile of his… the one, when looking down upon me, made me all gooey inside and flooded my pussy with juices. *sigh* He just seemed so happy.

How could it turn out that he wasn't? How could I have misread him so?

Perhaps he simply couldn't overcome the disappointment in my deformity. Perhaps my inability to have an orgasm with him was the death knell for us.

I'm sad.


I almost had a date yesterday. But, I was in such a 'not okay' place that his insistence for 'pictures and video's of a sexual nature turned me off and had me running the other way.

I spent much of the day doing research on story structure instead. Until the late afternoon, early evening, when I had a surprise date. A lovely gentleman who is enduring a long-term partner separation in much the same way that I am. He came over and we deconstructed The Shining. It was WONDERFUL. It was so much fun to do the work with a partner than it was to work alone.

Afterwards we retired to my room for some serious snuggles.

But, alas, it is not meant to be. With his upcoming work/school schedule, it will be impossible for him to maintain any kind of a regular thing in that vein.

I'm not as sad over him as I am over Foxtrot. I didn't have enough time to really form an attachment there.


I'm still angry over the fresh PTSD.

I'm sorry to say that anger came to the surface with Bran again today. I didn't come down very hard on him. I was more sharing my displeasure over the fact that there is even any PTSD there at all. Not to mention the subsequent trust issues that have developed between me and him.

He launched right into MY mistakes in the past.

I realized after our conversation that we had accidentally descended into 'score keeping' again. I've sent him an apology note. He's read it, but he hasn't replied.


I have a lead on another possible Story Structure Study/Cuddle Buddy.

Will keep you posted.

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