Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Zombie moan "Cooooffffeeeee..."

Got a chance to catch up on sleep.

Still on four cups of coffee…

Step one is to begin waking up on time.

Step two is ratcheting that back to 3 cups.

Step three is to restart the yoga lightly and then gradually ramp that back up to normal.

I'm second guessing my decision to have an extended house guest. *sigh* when it really comes down to it, the lack of sleep just wasn't worth it.

I'm skipping the INR today. Dangerous, I know, but I need some time to try and get back to my normal productivity.

I'm well fed.

I think I can go a few days (maybe more) without feeding again.

There are some potentials that I really am not attracted to. I think I need to cut ties with them.

I have a hopeful. But, it's only going to work if I can somehow convince him to join the Noble Order of the Blue Falcon.


Fuck me.

Quite literally.

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