Thursday, January 12, 2017


It's hard to imagine what I could write about, given that so much was covered by last nights supplemental entry.

My head and heart are just spinning today.

I'm finding that I have little to no interest in other men besides Alpha.

This was the situation with both Gingersnap and Foxtrot. Those intimate encounters where so over the top amazing compared to the other men I'd been drawing to me.

I did ask Alpha if he's the jealous/insecure type. He's not. This works well for us. Alpha understands that my work as a healer is critical to my overall psychological health. That being there for others and being a kindness… giving them what they need. Alpha understands that this is important to me.

Honestly… I think that side of me is equally as important to Alpha. One of the compliments I received the most last night was his sense of my 'goodness'. He senses that I'm a good person, and that my senses of unconditional love and compassion are one of the things that attract him the most to me.

He was just as surprised about how last night went as I was. He wasn't expecting to find someone he would be so attracted to. He wasn't expecting to find so many needs fulfilled by me either.

I sent him a text just a little bit ago. I know he's probably at work, but it makes me a little tense that he hasn't responded yet.

I'm really hoping that Alpha will live up to his code name. I'm hoping he won't pull any Gingersnaps or Foxtrots on me. I strongly doubt that he will… but, you know me…

You know how I worry.

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