Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dark Side of the Blood Moon:

I’m ashamed to say that I might have given up on Echo. I didn't even reach out to him at all yesterday. Nor did he reach out to me.

It was foolish, but I reached out to Gingersnap. I saw a cute photo on Facebook about someone who had turned their back yard pool into a Stargate. So, I sent it to him. I know it was dumb to expect a reply. But, somewhere deep down I had hoped.

I might have a guest tonight, despite it being my heavy day on my period.

And speaking of which, it's possible that might be the reason for my mood. The whole bleeding thing.

My favorite alchemist is coming to visit me today though!!  YAY!!

We haven't seen each other since the day Bran almost ruined us. *sigh* it's been six months. A lot of what my sister has predicted has come true. I think Bran's turn around is the only thing that saved the kids. And, I guess that's not so bad. They're innocent abominations. They were pawns in a power play.

It's their bitch of a mother I need to hate, not them.

But, I can't help it. I hate them.

I hate them for being the reason that Bran almost left me. I hate them for being the reason he tortured me for months. I hate them…

It's not fair.

But I hate them.

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