Sunday, January 8, 2017

Virgin Goddess Blues...

Well, this day didn't go as I'd fucking planned.

I’m already fucked up about a) fresh PTSD, but now also b) the possibility of losing Foxtrot.

My head just isn't in the game.

I was able to force myself to do the pre-yoga warm up, and the yoga itself. But something happened between then and now.

He doesn't have a code name (yet), but he's an ultra horny virgin who kind of reminds me of Mahaugany in some ways. He inspires that critical right of passage of guiding a young lover past all that anxiety, and opening him up to the vast world of sexual experience.

You know me.

I can't take something like that lightly.

I’m a sex mage, for goddess sake! This shit is crucial! There's no greater honor and I can't fuck it up! (no pun intended)

Okay, so I claim 100% responsibility here. It was all my own fucking fault, and I know that. I enticed him with pictures. I let him know what he was getting into. And he's just champing at the bit now.

So… even with the social anxiety being triggered by the PTSD and the Abandonment Issues, I still put forth my best efforts to meet with him for a date today. I _DID_ share my anxieties with him, and I told him that I was working on overcoming them.

But… the poor kid went deep into 'horny virgin' mode. Requesting pics and video's to excess. He (through no fault of his own) triggered my social anxiety to the point where I have to back out today.


My one bit of good news is code name Victor.

Good guy. Experienced Dom. SUPER gentle!! (in words, anyway) He totally understands the sit back and 'listen' part. He totally gave emotional validation without having to be prompted.

He's been there for me… really there for me.

He has me hopeful.

I need him now. I admit it. I even sent him a message telling him as much. I didn't give specifics, because I'm waiting on a reply. I just told him that I need someone with his level of understanding, care, and consideration. I need someone who isn't absolutely Level 0 at dealing with complex emotional issues and sex.

I kinda blew up his phone…

Okay… work now. I'm going to watch a horror movie and try to take structure notes.

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