Monday, January 16, 2017


I had a date very late last night, so I'm just barely getting started today and it's already noon.

My date wasn't up to much more than eating the white chili I made for him. I'm a little sad that I wasted the white chili on him, but I'm hopeful that I'll be able to go grocery shopping soon. That was the last of my vat-o-soup ingredients. Maybe I can still figure out something with the pound and a half of hamburger I have left, but it's doubtful. Unless I do one of those nasty knock-off hamburger helpers.

My date got here after a 10-12 hour work day, so he wasn't up to much. The energy was all off because he was tired, so I didn't get the opportunity to feed.

Good chance Victor will be coming over tonight after he gets off of work. If that happens I will be able to feed, no problem.

It's so needed!! After Alpha I feel drained and sad. The depression is just killing me.

So far, I have dates every night this week until Friday. And I'm sure my Friday slot will fill up soon.

My date for this coming Sunday should be VERY interesting.

Another guy I met on Fet. No code name yet, and he might not get one. He's only visiting in my area for a limited time, but he hit me up anyway. So, the plan was to get a ride with a more local friend, and somehow get left with me? - Like, all fine and good, but how are you getting home, love?

Then I asked him how close he was with his friend, and mentioned my interest in double penetration.

OH WOW! Did that spark a discussion between them, LOL!!

They're both totally in. So am I!

I can't wait.

This guy is a Primal. He can give me so much of what I need to heal. His friend will just be an added perk, but one I'm sure to enjoy as well.

Ye, mother fucking, Godz…

I love being a Cougar!!

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