Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I wish we had more mornings like that.

I made it through yesterday fairly okay, and I'm not going to lie, a large amount of that rests on Cuddle Crush's broad, Amazonian shoulders.

She made yesterday bearable.

I woke to the most lovely pictures of her at the same time that I sent her artwork from my submissive folder. This sparked a conversation revolving around "Because your Mine", and I became... very squirmy.

I was headed into the shower, I asked if she wanted me to be naughty, she said yes. And right then she sent me a picture of her that got me so skin-hungry I couldn't breathe. She literally knocked all the air out of my lungs with that one pic.

Then it was my turn...

After that, I had to get ready to head out to see Valkyrie.

It was still an amazing morning with Cuddle Crush.

I wish we had more mornings like that.

Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy -  I was so mentally exhausted yesterday... I literally just sank into that chair and told her to pick a person and I'd give her the update. She had me start with Metal-AF, which naturally transitioned into Cuddle Crush, Cain, Bran, and then as I was leaving I updated her on the Blue Falcon too.

I'm still mentally exhausted.

I got to bed almost on time last night. Midnight. I was ready to go back to bed all through first coffee and I'm not doing much better now.

This is hard.
Physical Health / Self-Care:
- Blood Sugar -  It's still been really good lately. Solidly in between 100 and 120. I think we're going to be able to reduce my meds soon.

- Metal-AF -  We were supposed to cuddle yesterday, but he woke up deathly ill.

I'm sad, of course, but his health comes first. We'll find time some other time.
- AmbiguSweeties -
  - Cuddle Crush -   Later in the evening, she challenged me to Words With Friends again, but it was really close to her bedtime, so we didn't finish the game.

We also didn't talk about Cain, yet.

I'm letting her sit on that for a few days before I bombard her with serious talk again.

Potential(s) [TCN =Temporary Code Name]

 - Cain - Surprisingly, we didn't talk much at all yesterday. He must have been busy.
  - Rabbit - He pinged last night just as it was getting super close to bedtime for me. He was very upset over something that was more than understandable.

Bedtime needed to wait. He was more important. I kept him talking until he'd calmed down.

Then, close to an hour after bedtime, I let it slip that Bran was gone and that I spent Monday morning in full-on meltdown mode.

After that, he booked a cuddle date with me.

He wasn't willing to see me in that much pain, which I appreciate very much.

I'll see him soon. Hopefully, get a back rub in. Definitely get some cuddles in. It should be good.
End Notes:  
Second coffee is going down, but I'm still not waking up... not sure what's wrong, but I'm definitely off today.