Saturday, May 19, 2018

We know how to survive being this twitterpated.

I'm really glad my system was experiencing so many technical difficulties yesterday. As odd as that may sound. It wasn't until about 5:30 in the afternoon/evening that I was done cross-posting the blog to Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Normally I'm done by 11:30 in the morning and I'm ready to carry on with the rest of my administrative tasks.

Had I not been delayed, and had I not had all my energy sapped by all the difficulty, I would have walked to get my Vitamin C yesterday.

In the blinding sun and scorching heat.

Not good for my delicate skin and weak constitution.

As it stands, it rained last night.

Today is going to be overcast with a high in the mid-sixties. PERFECT weather for me and I'll be able to take care of my needs with no problem.

I'm also going to see if a little makeup is in my budget. I've been getting a little pretty a little more often lately.

Thanks to TCN:Sawyer, I was made aware of the fact that a short-lived Facebook group had been resurrected. I got pretty and posted my intro into the new group yesterday.

I also have two more pretty/made-up pics on standby for Cuddle Crush.

(warm sigh)

I'm as twitterpated as ever there. I even mentioned that in my intro, that someone had brought it to my attention that I never shut up about her. That someone would have been TCN:Sawyer.

So, we went from her intro where she mentioned everyone but me, to her new intro where she mentioned no one at all. And my intro where I was all-inclusive, to my intro where I mentioned ONLY her.

Yeah... it's messed up.

I'm still trying to get her attention a lot and she's still spending a lot of time looking the other way.

It's okay, though.

We know how to survive being this twitterpated.
- Spawn -  We had our typical Friday where we caught each other up on everything we missed. I guess she had her dad record the Spring Concert for me but the file was so large that the email didn't go through. I'm probably going to tell him to share it as a Google File or something.

We wiped out Season Six of Supernatural. I might try to get cute with her and post another mother/daughter pic to the new group. Not sure yet. They're still choking on the last pic.

I got the full update on how much she hates Choir and I told her that it's an elective in High School, so she should be able to skip it. Godz, I DO hope there is a theatre class though!! She'd fucking rock that solid.

I'm looking forward to doing our thing today.

I think I'm going to try to get some housework done too, though.

  - Rabbit -  I'm really aching to see him again. I need his touch. I need his aggression. I need his strong arms around me.

I love the way he cuddles so tight. I love the way he makes me feel safe enough to be completely vulnerable with him. I love it that I can be so open with him. I love it that I know I can rely on him.

I don't have abandonment issues with him, you know that?

You'd think that would make me take him for granted, but no. I fully appreciate him for everything he's worth.

I can't wait to see him again.
- AmbiguSweeties -
  - Cuddle Crush -   She seems sad again today.

But, I've reached the conclusion that there's not a damn thing I can do about it when she feels this way.

I'm not in physical contact with her, so my love has no way of getting through to her.

And I'm not sure if it would really matter to her anyway.

She's a 'Five of Cups' kind of girl. She doesn't seem to have the ability to focus on the good things in her life. She only pays attention to the things that are going poorly or the person(s) she feels is/are ignoring her.

It's not her fault and I don't blame her. It's just something in her that's very broken. When someone stops talking to her, she internalizes that as rejection, or that she's done something terribly wrong to fall out of their favor. She believes it's all her fault.

It's not.

It never is.

But, it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of love to pull her out of those mindsets when they overtake her.

It's okay.

She's not going to lose me.

But, I'm going to leave her be for today.

She'll tap in with me when she's ready.


 - TCN:Sawyer -  I'm oddly super tired and very super happy about TCN:Sawyer right now.

I don't know if I ever told you that at one point I told Cuddle Crush that I would leave my messenger up all night, just in case she needed me? Well, she never needed me. So... I kinda gave up on her and even started to put my phone back on silent at night.

But, TCN:Sawyer and I formed this kind of bond where I was aware that he might need me too. So, I told him, any time - day or night - I don't care if it's 3 am. I want zero anxiety about contacting me.

I was tired as fuck, but he pinged me at like 2:45 in the morning.

I was so groggy that I really wasn't much help at all, but we'll sort that out today.

I'm just insanely happy that he felt comfortable reaching out in the wee hours last night.

I'll have to apologize for being so out of it.

End Notes:  
Okay… so, stuff to do today and a girl to obsess over…

Need more coffee.

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