Thursday, May 10, 2018

Yeah... good luck dishes. Maybe tomorrow.

So, this morning sucked so bad that it's currently going on 2pm and I'm only just now starting on this.

Short version:

I knew a month or so ago that Meta-AF was going to need me today.

Bran got called away this week to do his thing.

I thought it was no longer in the budget for me to do Metal-AF's thing this morning.

Bran contacted me this morning and said 'hey, are you still doing Metal-AF's thing?"

"Is it in the budget?"


(fuck me)

At this point, I'm already dragging my sorry ass out of bed almost an hour later than normal. I'm extra groggy. Extra slow. Extra ill-prepared for this to be a thing.

Next thing I know, I'm making myself sick by pouring hot coffee down my throat like water, packing my breakfast in a little plastic baggy in my purse, and packing November so I can 'morning blog' on the go.

HALFWAY there, and Metal-AF is already almost done with his thing. He tells me to just turn the Uber around and go home.

I just wasted $40 of Bran's money for nothing.

I get home, and I just fucking shut down. My body is not happy.

I take a 2-hour nap.

I'm still not awake enough to do fuck all.

Remember those dishes that were still sitting there two, maybe three weeks ago?

Yeah... good luck dishes. Maybe tomorrow.

Fuck my life.

And the absolute worst of it is that I wasn't even there to support my Wonder Twin today. He fucking needed me and I came within inches of being able to be there for him and then I fucked it all.




- Metal-AF -  Things are both good and bad. I need to look into more natural ways to help him with what he's dealing with so he's not just popping pills for the rest of his life. I think Paleo is out. He won't give up pizza.
- AmbiguSweeties -
  - Cuddle Crush -   She's not fucking happy today either, and for her own, very valid reasons that have nothing to do with me or any of her other interpersonal relationships. It's something that she needs and she's not getting and it FUCKING SUCKS. She's beyond pissed and I'm pissed for her. I love my beautiful Alpha. I want her to feel whole as the person she wants to be.

Potential(s) [TCN =Temporary Code Name]

 - Cain -  We've been slowly discussing boundaries and ground rules... I'm very fucking excited about this. I'm getting to that place where I really need my Daddy to take me and break me.

I would give the sun, the moon, and the stars for that person breaking me to be my Alpha... but, it's not going to happen.

Cain will be a lovely substitute, though. And he's fully aware of who I really belong to, so there's no friction there.
  - Rabbit -  We've made plans for Sunday that we're both looking forward to. We have a Co-Healer arrangement that's long overdue.

Virgin Goddess time.
End Notes:  
Fuck this shit.

I'm clearing my calendar.

I'm not doing shit today.

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