Sunday, May 20, 2018

Where the fuck was I going with this?

It's very unfortunate, but it appears as if I'll still be struggling a bit financially until July because I'm setting some money aside for a convention next month.

So... no Windows Key, yet. And I guess we just have to hope that Daniel will hold on and wait that long.

It's hard to tell if that 'twinge' to write Torvus is still there or not. I think I should spend some time with the Achervon Playlist tomorrow and see if it's still there. Maybe re-read the previous chapters in Act I and see if he's still there.

I don't know... that just seems like an exercise in futility. The files I need to access in order to continue his story are all trapped in my Scriviner, which are all trapped in backup drives and cloud storages awaiting the time when I have access to a system that runs Windows again.

It seems silly to revisit him as a character when I have no way to do anything about it until sometime in July.


Other things are happening right now... things that could provoke me to revisit Cinn and Reece, but that all seems really personal and really premature.


Then there's the whole 'I'm still not going to bed on time' thing that is keeping me too tired to do the basic life stuff, much less write.


Then there's the fact that I only thought about Daniel when I was on the edge of the Abyss and three people important to me pulled me back from that edge flawlessly... so, I might have missed my shot at him entirely anyway.


Where the fuck was I going with this?



Yeah... I feel like I want to write... but Daniel is unavailable, Cinn and Reece don't seem like a good idea, and nothing else is coming into form.

Aww hell...

... writing prompt time?

Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy -  There will be... so much to discuss on Tuesday... I kinda wish it was sooner than day after tomorrow.

- Spoons -  Still going to try to make a valiant effort at the picking up the place today... don't ask me how that's going to go.

- Writing -  I really need someone to encourage me to go to bed on time.
Physical Health / Self-Care:
- Blood Sugar -  So, I backed off on my med because of that one morning I woke up low. Just because I don't have anything on hand to get stable again if I wake up that low in the future.

Guess what? Still perfect. (wiggles eyebrows)
- Spawn -  We did our thing yesterday. She also came with me while I walked to get some more Vitamin C. I also had it in my budget to buy some clearance mascara and eyeliner. I'm looking forward to the next time I decide to get pretty.

Damn - forgot extra applicators. (grr)

We ran out of Sailor Moon... for fuck's sake. We got to Season 3, and they were no longer dubbed. I was so pissed. So, now we're watching this anime she just started about a very cynical teenage psychic.

It's pretty good so far, even though I've not really been paying attention to it. I've had other things on my mind.

Other darknesses looming.

  - Rabbit -  Not much of an update here, other than to say that I really do miss him. A lot is really unstable right now, and I feel like I'm about to lose one more thing... the last thing...

Rabbit is stable. Rabbit is strong.

Rabbit would hold me, and make me feel at peace in this very uncertain time when I feel like everything could fall apart again.

I don't think Rabbit even realizes how much his arms around me mean to me.
- AmbiguSweeties -
  - Cuddle Crush -   Please don’t leave me too… please don’t go.

End Notes:  

So… yeah… writing...

Please don't go.

Please don't leave me too.

I'm already so lost.

Please don't go.

1 comment:

  1. Write about ascending. Tap into that feeling.
