Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mmmm... skin hunger...

Yeah, you bet your sweet ass I'm getting to this late today.

One word:


(nose twitch)

Oh. My. Fucking. Godz.

That was unexpected, but definitely not unwanted.

As previously stated, there was a disconnect in the reciprocity of attraction. Rabbit just wasn't my type, but for only one very superficial reason. There wasn't enough of an age difference. Dating him would mean breaking my Proud Cougar streak.

Yeah... well... Cuddle Crush kinda took care of that when I found out they're the same age.

I was out of excuses.

It was time to let Rabbit get close and see what could develop between us, but I wasn't ready to just jump right in. I still needed something to break whatever final barriers were there.

Turns out Rabbit has a history of using his hands in right proper ways.

Turns out my back is still fucked up from that migraine/tension thing that hit me months ago.

Turns out Rabbit and I are both energy workers, and I knew I'd feel that from him if I just let him work on my back. I knew I'd relax for him. I knew I'd let him in.

Lo and behold... and what should happen? A resounding sexual attraction.

I fucking LOVED his touch... and I loved it when giving me that touch got him excited. I became very responsive to that excitement in him. I wanted it. I wanted him.

What followed was a whole lot of naked, a whole lot of touching, and a whole lot of talking.

He even got to my vulnerable side.

Yeah! I trusted him!!

I let him in.

Intimacy issues be damned!

I was able to tell him much of my stories and he even got some good, solid tears out of me and he loved me right through them.

Fucking hell... especially with Bran leaving last night... I needed that.

You can't even begin to imagine just how badly I needed to cry in someone's arms like that.

It was so hard to tear myself away from him when he had to go.

Now I've just kind of got this empty spot.

I loved those naked cuddles. He definitely brought out the skin hungry in me.

Mmmm... skin hunger...

Damn, it feels nice to be able to say that.


Oh, and those barriers?

Yeah, I figured those out too.

One, I haven't worked with a Co-Healer since Set about 5-7 years ago, and I kind of promised myself a while back that if any other healer got within 25 feet of me it was going to be a 'shoot to kill' situation.

Two, once I got over that and realized I still needed a healer, I soon realized that any healer strong enough to even come close to dealing with what I needed to be dealt with... yeah, he'd have to be so fucking broken to even come close to understanding the base nature of my pain enough to do something about it.

I decided that I didn't want that.

I just couldn't do that to another soul.

I couldn't let some other poor creature suffer the way that I've suffered just to get me put right again.

Rabbit busted both barriers, as well as my intimacy issues about giving without getting something in return.

Yeah... he's that good.

I can’t wait to see him again.
- Spawn -  I got the loveliest Mother's Day call from her while Rabbit and I were snuggling. She's doing an X-Men marathon to celebrate Mother's Day.


My Spawn folks...

This is the monster that I've created.

And I don't regret it even one little tiny bit.

- Metal-AF -  Well, he's just in hell.


My poor Twinnie.

I'm not going into any details. I'm just going to say that it's bad and I'm worried about him. I love my Wonder Twin and I don't want to lose him to anything.

Please don't let anything take my Twinnie away from me.

Please please please please please...

  - Rabbit -  Yes. Rabbit just got a massive upgrade here. He just went from 'Just Friends' to full-on 'Sweetie' status.

So, let's revisit what a sweetie is, shall we?

More than "Just sex", less than "Boyfriend". Hit's the sweet spot right in the middle, hence 'Sweetie'.

The Four Precepts of a Good Sweetie:

1) Good Company - be interesting
2) Good Conversation - be engaging
3) Good Snuggles - be partner focused
4) Good Sex - Fuck me like you're trying to break me.

Rabbit fit's all of the qualifications, hence the upgrade.

Technically, yes, in the updates this does put him above Cuddle Crush, but that doesn't mean that he topples her. She's still my Alpha and my Fated Mate. My goal with her once we're able to take this into 'in person' is to ultimately get her upgraded to 'Girlfriend', which will break new ground and that's the highest rank I can give anyone... so, she's still on top.

I'm still hers.

(warm purr) However, Rabbit is NOT AFRAID to use the word 'MINE' at the most perfect times either.

He got some serious claw action out of me for that one.

Fuck, I can't wait to see him again.
- AmbiguSweeties -
  - Cuddle Crush -   She's not having a good day either. She's hurting today, but she hasn't told me why. I'll tell her about Rabbit when she's feeling better.

Potential(s) [TCN =Temporary Code Name]

 - Cain -  Our almost date that could have happened last night, didn't... whatever... it's cool.
End Notes:  
Everyone wants to be talkative, and I have a headache... so I'm going to hunt down one more image and then get this posted.

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