Friday, March 31, 2017

And just like that…

It was over before it started.

Friday is in a deeply committed, long-term, non-monogamous relationship as well.

Recently he filled me in and told me that there was a recent blow up between him and his girlfriend.

An old wound from his previous side relationship that never healed. He assured me that it had nothing to do with me and that we were still fully a go with his girlfriends blessing, but he wanted me aware of the 'drama'.

I told him that given the context, it was me. Or that it would be. She's not done healing.

I didn't hear back from him at all yesterday… not after I sent those messages.

I sent him a brief note this morning saying that I hoped we're still on.

We're not.

He showed her my message where I'd analyzed her emotions and having to face things she wasn't ready to face yet has thrown her into full-blown shut down. She doesn't want him seeing anyone, least of all me.

And that's it…

It's done.

The one guy who could have held me down and meant it.


Just like that.


So... it's Friday... ?

I didn't hear from Friday at all yesterday.

This has me a bit worried, given that so much of my correspondence with him on Wednesday was my trying to help him with his relationship in ways that he didn't ask for. I apologized if I was over stepping, because I felt like I was. And now that's a feeling that I can't shake. That I over stepped.

I hope we're still on for tonight.

I really need this.

In other news: I had one of my most productive days ever, yesterday.

No shit.

And on the second day of the blood moon too.

Second day of the blood moon! Yeah! The day I'm usually flat on the couch and only have about as much energy as it takes to operate the TV remote.

No… I sat upright the whole day.

No, really! I'm not kidding!

I did two days worth of revisions. I wrote another sweetie bio (Jasper). I did my pre-blog for ascending shadow, complete with photoshoping the featured image, etc. Along with all the other stuff that I do in a normal day and I STILL gamed for 5 hours on top of all of that.

That has never happened.

Okay, so, the update (I'm probably going to go fast because I want to see if I can finish chapter 8 today):

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I've been saving up game currency to get all my characters married. I have two accounts, so I'm pretty much marrying myself. Yes, there's poetry there in the 'self-love' department. But, for my werewolf reaper, Samarra`, I  was having trouble thinking of what race/class I should marry her too.

The class hit me out of the blue yesterday. Of course, if she's a reaper I should marry her off to an assassin!

Now, the only question is do I marry her off to a human or a kindred assassin?

The name is also a question…

I really want to name him after Rain.

Maybe name him Wolfs`Rain, after a favorite anime of mine. Since my girl is a wolf, he's her mate, and Rain loves anime? I wonder if Rain would be flattered by that.  :)

 - Writing - Again, I did two days worth of revision yesterday. I think that I might be able to finish this today if I really work at it. Then I'd only need to let it rest a day or two and read it for flow before I work on the chapter 9 revisions… I'm so excited to be getting closer to my chapter 10 again. 10 is when everything changes. 10 is the major sex scene… 10 is when some dark sides come to the surface…

10 is where it gets interesting.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!


13 hours, 21 minutes, 57 minutes to fall asleep, 17 times awake, 29 times restless, 132 minutes awake/restless…

OMG!! WTF Fitbit… WTF?!

 - Fur-babies - I had the most wonderful cuddle from Dreamy yesterday morning. Unfortunately I really had to pee, so the cuddle got cut short. I felt so bad for disappointing him. He did come back again later in the afternoon and just stayed to his chair. I was on the phone with Bran at the time and taking care of some dinner too.

Catmom says that he'll go outside for a little bit and now when he comes in, he doesn't even hesitate anymore. He just walks right to my door and then looks at her like, "Well, are you going to knock?"

I love it.

He's the best therapy cat.

I love him with all my heart.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - I've had no trouble keeping it to 3 lately. I feel pretty good about that.

I checked my blood sugar this morning and it was high. I did get up and eat a snack packet of fruit snacks in the middle of the night, though. Those things are mostly sugar. I really should be checking my blood sugar daily. I should be doing this in the mornings before coffee and that's the problem.

It's BEFORE coffee.

I don't want to do ANYTHING before coffee.

But I really do need to be monitoring my blood sugars. 


Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - Somethings different.

I feel closer to him again.

I feel close to him the way I did when he first left. Like he was so far away in body but in soul we were never more on the same page.

He says he might come home soon.

Something happened with his current living arrangement and he can't stay where he's currently residing. So, there's that. I think he's ready to admit that the north has beaten him. He got in the trainings he was able to get in. He did what he could in the time that he had. I think he's done.

I think he's coming home.

It's probably really dangerous for me to hope about something like that…

But, I know he doesn't want to move again just to have to move yet again in a couple of months. I know he's not happy. I know he wants to come home.

I especially know how done he is with _her_.

He wants out.

It's about time he took the out.

 - The Unicorn - I'll have to have her check the heart cord between me and Bran when I see her again. Like I said, something is different… it's like I can feel him again and it doesn't hurt.

I feel closer to him again, and it doesn't hurt.

Something is different.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.

 - Rain - I’m still all smiles.

Even just the short amount of time we had together. Even though I felt greedy for more and like it wasn't enough. It sure as hell sustained me.

If I feed tonight like I expect to, I might even be good for awhile!!

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing new to report.

 - The Hopefuls - FRIDAY!! - Ye Gods, I hope this goes well!

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

All in all, I feel pretty amazing.

Much better than I've felt in a really long time.

Don't get me wrong.

That doesn't mean that more dark times aren't coming.

The wheel always turns, remember?

I'm just enjoying it while I can.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Cramps be DAMNED!

Woke up before the alarm again…

I don't know what it is lately.

Most mornings I'm excited to get out of bed because 'coffee'. Now, I'm just excited to get out of bed. It's like I actually WANT to face the day. Especially the writing. I need to see where my story is going. I need to see if it's working. I need to keep the expansions ahead of my current beta readers.  :)

It's officially day two of the blood moon. So, I'm doing my best to stay ahead of the cramps long enough to get the days work on the story done.

Wish me luck!

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Between the writing and the gaming, I feel like I’m so on top of my therapies right now.

Also, my additional smiles are very much Rain and Friday related. Rain gives me something really positive to reflect on. I'm really looking forward to seeing him again. Friday should be interesting. I probably won't be done bleeding, but I somehow doubt that will be a problem for him.

I don't know.

I guess I just have so much hope right now.

There's just so much that's going well.

 - Writing - I'm working on chapter 8 today. FUCK YOU CRAMPS!!

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 8 hours, 16 minutes, 3x awake, 13x restless, total of 38 minutes awake/restless. This also included getting up for a water refill in the middle of the night. All in all, it wasn't quite the 'full hour' of missed sleep that I usually get, and it was made up for by the extra 16 minutes over the 8 hours. I did go to bed a little early last night.

I wonder if I should start ramping back my bedtime to 10:30?


We'll see.

The Trazodone should hit in the mail either today or tomorrow. So, we'll see.

 - Fur-babies - Both Dreamy and Splotches came to visit yesterday. I was deep in the gaming. Dreamy won't come up into my lap unless it's empty and he has a solid invitation. He doesn't like me touching anything but him when he's with me. Not my camera, not even the remote. So, needless to day, as I was gaming yesterday (I was in a group thing and couldn't step away from my team) he just laid in his chair and purred at me.

Splotches, on the other hand, could care less. Hopped right up and laid on my mousing arm. Twice.

Then the second time he got down he made hairball noises. But, thank goodness, nothing came up.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Feel confident keeping it to 3 today.
 - INR - 3.4 - that's high, but not high enough to need extra needles in my veins
 - Nervous System - skipped yesterday
 - Yoga / Movement Goals - You know what? I’m just going to take this out. It's not happening. So, fuck it.
 - Inflammation - Meh.
 - Weight Management - Hunger seems to be under better control.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

As shitty as I've felt for the last MONTH or more? I'm suddenly BACK.

It's like I even trust him and love him again.

What the fuck?


What the actual fuck?

Where the hell is that coming from?

Could it be the anti-PTSD dream?

Valkyrie noted that a dream like that means that REAL HEALING is taking place SOMEWHERE inside me.

So… the writing? The gaming? The sweeties? All the things I've been doing for my mental health? They're all paying off, one way or another?

I don't know what it means.


Remember the rules?

Both the good times and the bad times come and go. The wheel always turns. The trick is never to unpack your bags at either the top or the bottom.

There will be another downswing.

This upswing is answering the most recent downswing.

Eventually a downswing will answer this upswing…

It happens. It's normal.

Everything is okay.

 - The Unicorn - Still haven't heard back from JerkDad on when he's going to come pick up her charger.


Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - So, my 'date' for last night never even said 'hi' to me yesterday. So, whatever, I've written him off. I don't need that kind of negativity. I have my period anyway.

I have Friday to look forward to.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - He tapped in last night. Mentioned that he feels like he wants to 'ditch' movie night. I was confused. He hadn't mentioned a movie night.

Okay, so, apparently he HAD. I just wasn't paying the right kind of attention. Because I'm flighty like that. He's the host of a movie night, so he feels it's his responsibility to keep the group together.

However, this movie night is happening on the 2nd. Right where I'm going to need him the most because the 2nd and the 3rd are the dates of the anniversary I'm missing with Bran.

The Blue Falcon was saying that he wanted to ditch his friends and spend that time with me. And I was all: "Or, I could pop extra popcorn if you don't mind having someone bat shit crazy around your friends."


And then I find out that this group is all online. And, all he'd have to do is bring his laptop to my place and he could still snuggle with me and host movie night with his group.


Solutions, we find them.

 - Rain - I still can't stop smiling.

Even though we didn't have the 'quantity' of time together that I would have liked. And, no shame there. Remember, it could be a week and I'd still not feel it was enough? We definitely had the 'quality' of time together that I needed for a proper feed.

Relationships like Rain are what I need.

I'm so DONE with one-night-stands.

Yes, there could still be a line of dick around the block, but right now I don't care about that. Those are empty calories. I need substance. I need the kid of feed that will truly nourish me and keep me going.

Rain is that kind of feed.


That means I still have to keep giving guys chances to make it into the sweeties or even the favorite sweeties clubs. So, I do have to keep that revolving door of dick spinning.


We can hope, right?

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - I haven't heard a word from the Giver. I hope he's okay.  :(

 - The Hopefuls - FRIDAY!!! Ye Gods, I can't wait to feel someone going full Beast Mode on me.  :)

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - I'm still feeling pretty good over our most recent conversation.

Based on what he's said. Including the fact that he's seeing some other girls right now, even though none of those relationships are ideal, there's a likelihood that we're actually still in the sweetie camp.

I don't know. And we will have to see.

I think he's going to try to make it down to see me next week.

He did tell me what's good and what's missing in his current relationships and I couldn't help but notice that the 'good parts' are things that are 'good' with me, and the 'missing' parts are things that are 'NOT missing' with me.

So, I still think I could be good for him.

I know he's good for me if he's comfortable letting that beast out to play.

Again, we'll see.

I'm hopeful that Friday will be a 'sure thing' before I see Jasper again.

I want the reassurance of knowing that someone can be the beast that I need before I risk another emotional attachment with Jasper.

End Notes:

I feel like I need to be extra careful in holding back my emotional attachments with Friday. Originally I was getting the sense that I could just move forward. But, when he shared with me that his partner was still having trouble healing from his last experience with a Cougar… That's a pretty huge red flag.

Rule number one needs to always be 'don't get attached to the attached'.

Don't worry.

I'm being careful.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Goddess, Sing It...

So, I think I kinda screwed up.

I'm considering it a learning opportunity.

If I would have HELD OFF and met with Rain on Thursday, I would have had more 'hours' with him. I also would have gotten one hell of a massage from the Giver last night.

But, instead, I got greedy. I wanted Rain. And I wanted him NOW. And I got him. But only for a very short time before he had to jet off again.

Still… it was awesome.

Look, it's INR day, so I need to be showered and ready to be out the door soon. And my chapter 8 is DEMANDING it's attention. So I'm making this quick, okay?

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Had great chats with both Valkyrie and Bubbles yesterday. I saw Bubbles first. We're going to try Trazodone for sleep. I used to take that ages ago and it worked, but then when I tried it after my gastric bypass it gave me really bad vertigo. I'm hoping for the best this time.

After my visit with Bubbles, she went to check and see if Valkyrie was already open, she was. I walked right into her office, all smiles and said "What's up, bitch!".  She just laughed her ass off.

Yeah. Once I figured out that it was the weight loss medication giving me the depression. I was on top of it. There was no way I was going to let a tiny little pill beat me. LOL.

We talked about everything. Including my Anti-PTSD dream, which she was AMAZED by! She says that my subconscious is healing!! I agree!

She also pointed out that despite his age. Rain is actually turning out to be one of the most stable of my sweeties. I mean, we all know I'm losing the Blue Falcon eventually. But, Rain might decide to stick around for a good long while. We don't really know.

She's encouraging me to move forward with Rain.

Her only worry regarding our age difference is that I never carded him, because prison is a real thing.  (I hope he's legal… omg… because the damage is sooooo already done)

Anyway, yes, my own therapist agrees with me that turning Rain away would be age discrimination.

Her other thought: what if I end up being the one that hurts Rain?

Who, wha, how, wha?

What if Rain ends up wanting more of a relationship from me than I can give him because I'm already fully taken by Bran?


I didn't consider that.

And it would suck major ass.

I’m NOT going to put myself in an anxiety tizzy about it, though!!

That's the OPPOSITE of what Rain would want for me.

SEE, here's the deal.

Depression is dwelling too much on the past.
Anxiety is worrying too much about the future.

Rain wants me to do NEITHER.

The only thing Rain wants me to do, especially when I'm with him, is be mindful and present in the moment.

He's perfect.

 - Writing - Chapter 8 is expanding on Daniel's back story.

Do six year old boys get boners?

 - Sleep / Fitbit - I woke up a full hour before the alarm this morning. Just really aware that I have a LOT to get to today. So, I'm not expecting much from the report, but here goes: 7 hours, 54 minutes, 1x awake, 11x restless, total of 21 minutes awake/restless. WHAT!! I only lost a total of about 20 minutes?! FUCK ME!! THAT'S PRETTY GOOD.

 - Fur-babies - Just the one visit from Dreamy yesterday.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Keeping it to 3 today
 - INR - Test today, report tomorrow.
 - Nervous System - Skipping this week
 - Yoga / Movement Goals - LOL, yeah right.
 - Inflammation - I made lentils and rice. All I have to do is melt cheese in it and it's the most anti-paleo thing I could ever eat.
 - Weight Management - The new med seems to be working. I don't get hungry until really late in the day, but then I can't stop eating… we remain hopeful.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - He called last night while I was with Rain.


I was actually naked, cuddling, and stroking Rain's hard cock while I was on the phone with Bran.

Yes, it was awkward.

Bran still doesn't know if he's coming home sooner rather than later.

I'm erring on the side of broken and predicting later. That way I can be pleasantly surprised if he just shows up in my parking lot.

I have a lot of confidence in us though.

We've weathered some pretty impressive storms.

I think our love is strong enough to get through this one.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - See Below: RE: Rain

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.

 - Rain -

    - 1) good company: I was totally in small talk mode, telling him about the effects of the new medication, when he rushed into my arms and shut me the fuck up with the most intensely long hug in the history of intensely long hugs. This was followed by some long and wonderful kisses too.

After we retired to the snuggle chamber I was downloaded with some minor details on how busy he's been lately. That's when it struck me. He did it again. His first 'free moment' I was his first thought, again.

Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?

Just knowing that the second he's 'not busy' his first thought is me.

My heart just bursts.

I told him how flattered that made me feel. He said that he _could_ fill that time with something/someone else. But, that time wouldn't include a) snuggles, or b) Supernatural.

I got so giddy I squee'd.

    - 2) good conversation: We talked a little bit about things on his end. But nothing in too great of detail. Same thing with things on my end. Any time I try to pry him for information, he gives curt responses. Any time I try to open up about things he burns the fuck out of that hydra.

He shuts me the fuck up with wonderful kisses and getting us both naked.

The rest of the time our conversations revolve around inappropriate things we've shown each other on YouTube. LOL. We already have some of our 'couples' inside jokes. Like if we're ever in a room full of people, he can just look at me and say "Peppermint Dickables", and I'll say "Little Timmy", and we'll just bust out laughing while everyone else exchanges WTF looks.

  - 3) good snuggles: OMG… I have no words… He holds me so tight. He kisses me on the forehead. He just loves being close to me and I love being close to him. It's like an addiction. Just a few seconds in his arms is like opiate grade pain reliever. We both tried to say we should stop and grab the chromebook so we could get started, but we literally could not let each other go.

I need that.

Bran likes to be the little spoon. And then he farts on my leg. Any time I try to get him to hold me, he never seems to take it seriously. It's not the heart centered holding that I need.

Rain is pure heart centered holding.

It's so healing being with him.

So, I say again, who wouldn't love him for that?

Who can blame me for falling in love with the guy who gives me what I need?

Yeah, he's young.

But, he's also beautiful, and perfect, and fuck you.

    - 4) good sex: Yes. He's also gentle. But, with him I don't mind. His kisses are so passionate and he's blessed with a beautiful and large cock that barely takes a normal condom. He feels amazing inside me. He was able to find a positon that tagged my G-spot just right and that got some pretty intense moans out of me. But, it's the way he kisses me when he's inside me. That's what I love the most.

My hips didn't get tired this time. He wore out before I did. Then I tried to give him some head and I wore out before he did.

Then, just because I really needed him to cum, I asked him to make himself cum in my mouth.

It took some doing. He takes a lot of work, which is fine, I’m the same way. But eventually he fucked my mouth enough that he was able to cum down my throat and it was wonderful.

But, that also made him late leaving me so he had to run. Thankfully the nearest Uber was like a block away.

I can't wait to see him again.

It never feels like enough.

I bet I could spend a week with Rain and still not feel like it was enough.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - No word from the Giver. I'm worried I've offended him by having to reschedule.  :(

 - The Hopefuls - Woke up to a long note from Friday this morning. He and his girlfriend have had another nasty fight. He swears it wasn't about me. But, given the context of it being about a past encounter of his… it feels like it kinda was. I did my best to help. It sounds like his girlfriend has some 'open relationship bad juju' that she's working through. So, I'm coaching him on emotional validation and hoping that I can minimize any damage that I bring to their relationship before it happens.

I'm a bit worried, though.

If she's got bad juju, then it doesn't matter what I do to try to soothe her. She'll eventually pull him back to her.

Key words.

Don't get emotionally attached.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

- Jasper - We had a nice long talk last night, and I broke two rules with him. But, within the context of those rules, I don't think I could be blamed.

He was telling me about a recent sexual encounter that really hurt his feelings. I told him not to focus on the women who couldn't see what he had to offer. And then I came clean with him about how hard I cried when I realized I was going to have to give up the sex with him.

He apologized for having put me through that, and again, stated that sex might very well still be on the table for us. It's just a matter of him getting away long enough to come and see me.

We'll see.

We talked a little bit about our friendship and how I always make him feel better. I mentioned again that I'll never give up on him. And then I broke the second rule and I sent him that Three Days Grace song (I'll Never Give Up on You). I told him that's my song for him.

He agreed that it's a great song and told me that he feels honored.

I hope so.

I do love Jasper too.

Jasper showed me something that I needed to be shown.

If it hadn't been for Jasper, I wouldn't have realized just how badly I needed a lover who could hold me down and mean it.

I owe him for that.

End Notes:

Not a lot in closing today. Just that I'm having a good morning, but I do have to run. I want to get going on my chapter 8. Okay?

Much love!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Looks like Rain today... :)

Ye Gods, it's shaping up to be a weird week and it's only Tuesday!!

Pretty much started last Friday when I met Friday. The more he and I chat on OKC, the more we realize we're ideally matched in every way. Our sexual needs are absolutely on point. He's the kind of guy who will hold me down and mean it. I'm very excited.

The weekend was great with the Unicorn, but kind of a bust when Rain couldn't make it out.

Nevertheless, the week shaped up to have FOUR dates scheduled. One of them a repeat. Hence, the Giver got his name.

So, yesterday I go to check in on my date for the evening and I get: "Sorry, I’m not horny enough to meet today."


It's literally ALL OVER my profile that I'm not interested in just sex. I want relationships with context and rapport. And he's bailing because sex was the only thing on his menu? What an ass! I immediately blocked the fucker and then checked in on the Giver. Since his original request was yesterday (Monday). But, he'd already made plans, so we kept our date for today (Tuesday)

Then I hear from Rain this morning, asking if he can come over tonight.

I immediately canceled with the Giver.

Rain is a favorite. Even if the Giver is a repeat. Rain is a favorite. He gets priority status.

So. We're still sitting at THREE dates this week. Back to FOUR if the Giver reschedules before Sunday.


Some weeks my life is just a whirlwind, I tell ya.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I really am so happy that I got back into the gaming. I can clearly tell the difference in my mood since I started again.

I see both Valkyrie and Bubbles today. Hopefully Bubbles and I will lock down on a different / better med to help me sleep better.

 - Writing - I did this first thing this morning. Which is why this entry is coming a little later than normal. I wanted to make sure that I had the completed chapter 7 ready to go for Valkyrie.

Last week, at this time, I was only finishing up chapter 6. That means I've honed revision (by chapter) down to less than a week. Hopefully I can continue to streamline the process. I've already gotten it down to where I'm only taking a couple of hours a day at it before I have to sleep on the chapter for a day. Granted, that's still 'the first act'. Revision times might go up again once I start on act 2.

The other thing, though?

I'm still light on details, and I can feel it.

I might need to raise my final word count again…

Not sure yet.

If I have to raise it to get in more detail and more back story, it's going to make that third act even harder to write.

I really wish I knew how to fix that already.

I think I'll go forward with what I have. I'll keep details and back stories confined to act two… maybe three as well… make everything climax at the same time.

Maybe that's the fix I'm going for.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - I HAD WATER IN MY BOTTLE THIS MORNING!! That means I woke up and rolled over less during the night! RIGHT?!  Let's check the Fitbit: Weird… 8 hours, 8 minutes, 3x awake, 16 x restless, 47 minutes total awake/restless… that's still the same sleep quality.

So I guess I was just too lazy to roll over and hydrate. LOL

 - Fur-babies - Dreamy just dropped by. Practically took a nap in my lap. It was awesome.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Just 3 today

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I feel better.

A lot better.

I know that my 'lack of love' is just pain avoidance.

I know that will go away when he comes home.

I know that he will come home.


 - The Unicorn - She forgot her charger here… that means an extra face to face with JerkDad to give it back.  :/

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Monday didn't happen - and we're ALL happier for it!!

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - We're still on for the 2nd and the 3rd. Surviving the anniversary is a go! YES!

 - Rain - DATE TONIGHT!!

Who knows. I might even be brave enough to say words out loud.

I don't know yet.

It will only be our third date.

It's way too soon for me to feel the way I do about him and I know it. But, my heart clings to people like him. He's an opiate grade pain reliever to my soul. More to the point, he wants to be.


Who wouldn't love him for that?

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - The Giver: I hope we're able to reschedule for this week.

 - The Hopefuls - I've heard nothing from Wednesday… so, he barely graces the stage as a hopeful.

Friday, though.

Holy shit.

He's someone who can be rough with me the way I need someone to be rough with me… and he can mean it. This is his natural output. This is who he is.

This isn't someone faking getting rough with me just to make me happy or to _try_ to sexually satisfy me.

This is someone who is very well in touch with his inner monster and embraces it.

I can't wait to give you the update on that one.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - He checked in this morning. He's doing okay, for the most part. He seems to be pretty well locked in a 'could be better, could be worse' holding pattern.

Did I tell you that he didn’t take sex all the way off the table with us?

Yeah, he says we'll play it by ear.


I’m okay without it.

I really don't want to risk getting addicted to him again. Not when I'm only going to lose him again. And especially not now that I have Friday in my life.

Jasper is afraid of his inner monster.

Friday isn't.

Given the choice, I'd take Friday.

So far…

Friday still hasn't happened yet. So, there's always the potential for crushing disappointment there. But… a lot of hope too. Hope can be dangerous, but right now I don't care.

End Notes:

I gotta wrap up and get this posted.

Have a good day everyone!!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Is it Friday yet?

I gamed for seven hours last night.

I've also been in near constant contact with Friday. And, holy shit are we ever looking forward to our first date. He's already staked his claim on a bi-weekly date night. *crossing fingers* here's hoping.

FOUR dates coming up this week.

And I’m getting my period.


I kinda didn't think about that.

Okay, so, on with it then!

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Seriously, I can't even begin to stress how much my mental health has improved since I started gaming in the evenings. There is literally nothing I don't feel infinitely better about, including Bran.

 - Writing - Chapter 7 bitches! I'm so on this!!

I've scored two more beta readers. One on Scribophile and one off. The one on Scrib is returning crits since I've started reading his works, which I really like. He's a very promising author. Mixes tenses and actions to the wrong speaking character a lot, but that's okay. He's obviously still learning. I made so many of the same mistakes when I was just starting out too. I love it that he has a gay and struggling character too. The gay in a small town and not out with it already might be trope, but SO many gay kids go through that… I find it very relatable.

My off-scrib beta reader is Friday. He had some complications last night when he was intending to start Torvus, though. So, hopefully he'll get to it soon.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - I feel pretty good this morning, in spite of 7 hours, 53 minutes, *4*x awake, 17x restless, total of *53* minutes awake/restless. This is why I go to bed at 11 and have my alarm set for 8. I lose almost an hour a night to being either awake or restless.

 - Fur-babies - Dreamy stopped by yesterday. He spent most of his time with the Unicorn. But I visited him in my bedroom and gave him some pets and cuddles. He gave me some kisses on my forehead. He's very loving.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Fuck you addiction! It's going to be 3 today! HAH!

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I feel better today.


Don't ask me why… I'm more confused by it than anything else. All I know is that when I was going to bed last night I was having a conversation in my head, explaining how I'd fallen out of love with Bran. I was sharing how much I DID NOT WANT to be out of love with Bran. In that mental dialog, I could feel that dark hole in my chest where Bran used to be.

This morning that hole is gone.

*shakes head*

Yeah, no clue.

Not one damn, stinking clue!!

Not arguing with it, though!!

If I can somehow find the strength to still be in love with Bran, I'll take it! Again, Bran has done NOTHING WRONG. It's only my own weakness in the face of all this separation and pain that's making me falter here. So, if I'm somehow finding the strength somewhere… I'm in.

I'm all in.

 - The Unicorn - We watched a couple of episodes of Angel before she headed home to Jerkdad's. We watched the episode where Angel and Wesley are dancing at Cordelia's party in the ending credits. The Unicorn LAUGHED her little head off!! It was spectacular!

Do you know she tears up during the title sequence for Angel? Every time!

She says the moody cello and the images just fit with Angel's back story so well that it just makes her cry. Every frakkin time!

Okay, process that for a second.

My kid cries over Joss.

I have literally done so much right here. When it comes to the proper geek parenting. I've not dropped that ball. Not once. I'm SO proud of myself and I'm even more proud of her.

I love her so much.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Code Name - The Giver: I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing the sweetie reports when this encounter happened, so I'm taking one from last January (I think) and reporting on it now.

    - 1) good company: He's a chef in his waking life, so I made him my white chicken chili. He enjoyed it.

    - 2) good conversation: Oh please, this was months ago, I can't remember what we talked about.

    - 3) good snuggles: This is the good part. This one is a total GIVER, hence the code name. He's only into inflicting pleasure and he's very passionate about it.

You know how hard it is for me to just let go and let someone take care of me? It's so hard for me to see my self as being worthy of that kind of attention. But, there he was… I was naked, face down, and he was working my favorite massage oil into every inch and sore muscle of my back.

It was difficult… but I feel I took it well…

It's hard for me because I don't want to seem selfish. But, I also know that's his thing, the giving. It would be an insult to refuse him. So, taking with honor is the best way to give back.

    - 4) good sex: Did I forget to mention that he was naked too? *big smile* Oh yeah. So, this entire time that he's working that oil into my skin, his hard cock is just resting against the separation in my ass cheeks.

And then he just made this one… really intense, fluid motion with his hips and he was inside me.

I'm not kidding.

All cock.

Hands free, no guiding that missile into place.

Keep in mind, I'm hard to find. My tipped uterus puts the opening of my vagina in an unexpected place, so guys are usually aiming for my ass when they're coming at me from behind like that.

Not the Giver.

All cock.

All hitting home…

And, yeah… he was amazing. Not super aggressive, but aggressive enough for me to really know that he was there.

The reason I'm mentioning him now?

He's been texting me a little bit lately. Even mentioned wanting to come back a few times. Finally actually came around to asking for a date. He'd asked about tonight, but I'm already taken. He's coming over tomorrow, though.

Now, we just have to get around the fact that I might be bleeding by then.


Why did I have to come out of the death spiral right when I was about to get my period?!

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - HEY!! He checked in last night!

You know how I've been afraid to check in with him because I've been afraid of losing him already? He did have a good date, but it sounds like they're still 'waiting to see what happens', so not to serious yet. He's still going to be available to get me through the horror of the 3rd. He even told me he's going to take me out to the other 'better' ramen shop!! OMG - RAMEN!! And naked snuggles.


It's all about survival right now.

I need to make it through the 3rd.

That's the next milestone.

Once I'm past that, I'll pick a new survival point.

 - Rain - I'm really sad that our date for yesterday got canceled. But, not to worry, I still love Rain. My feelings for him aren't going anywhere. I trust him and I know he needs me to need him. We're okay.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - the Giver… He'll be upgraded to Sweetie here pretty soon.

 - The Hopefuls - Okay, so in addition to the Giver there are three other dates scheduled for this week. But no one has me more excited than Friday.

Relationship-wise, Friday isn't necessarily my ideal. I genuinely prefer to date only single men. Friday is long-term with a small child in the mix. But, hey, I broke that for Jasper, so there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to break that for Friday too. Another similarity between Friday and Jasper is that they're both about an hour's drive away from me, and that's NOT where the similarities end.

Remember how losing Jasper as a lover was like taking an auger to the chest for me?


Short reminder as to why:

Jasper pinned my wrists to the bed and said "You can resist me all you want." - He did this with zero coaching from me. He never asked me what I liked. He just knew. He knew I liked it rough and he knew I liked to edge around that kind of forceful encounter play.

I want to clarify that my 'forced encounter' fantasies are tied to my self-esteem issues. It's a psychological thing that stems from my being told I was fat, ugly, and no boy would ever want me as a child. I was raised to believe that anyone who ever expressed any desire towards me was lying and only trying to trick me.

So, my mind built up this fantasy around someone beautiful wanting me so much that he wouldn't even risk taking no for an answer. Hell, the first real sex scene in Torvus is practically a forced sex scene. My female is magickally roofied, bound to a bed, and then kissed and teased until she gives in and begs to be fucked.

Okay, so I've known since Jasper that I REALLY need a lover who understands this about me. I need someone who can pin me down and mean it.

Law of Attraction.

You know we've been here before.

I want it. I get it.

Sometimes I get certain things that I want faster than other things, but this is one where the universe didn't decide to hold back.

Friday and his girlfriend are DEEP into rape play, and he's allowed to get exceptionally rough with her.

Now he knows he can get just as rough with me.


I can't wait.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - Nothing new to report

End Notes:

Maybe meeting Friday is one of the reasons I'm feeling so much better?

Maybe it's the gaming, or how well the revisions are going.

Maybe it's a lot of things.

All I know is that my head is in a good place today and I’m not fighting it.

Tomorrow I'll probably be in hell again. But as far as PMS days go, this is definitely one of my better ones!