Friday, March 31, 2017

So... it's Friday... ?

I didn't hear from Friday at all yesterday.

This has me a bit worried, given that so much of my correspondence with him on Wednesday was my trying to help him with his relationship in ways that he didn't ask for. I apologized if I was over stepping, because I felt like I was. And now that's a feeling that I can't shake. That I over stepped.

I hope we're still on for tonight.

I really need this.

In other news: I had one of my most productive days ever, yesterday.

No shit.

And on the second day of the blood moon too.

Second day of the blood moon! Yeah! The day I'm usually flat on the couch and only have about as much energy as it takes to operate the TV remote.

No… I sat upright the whole day.

No, really! I'm not kidding!

I did two days worth of revisions. I wrote another sweetie bio (Jasper). I did my pre-blog for ascending shadow, complete with photoshoping the featured image, etc. Along with all the other stuff that I do in a normal day and I STILL gamed for 5 hours on top of all of that.

That has never happened.

Okay, so, the update (I'm probably going to go fast because I want to see if I can finish chapter 8 today):

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I've been saving up game currency to get all my characters married. I have two accounts, so I'm pretty much marrying myself. Yes, there's poetry there in the 'self-love' department. But, for my werewolf reaper, Samarra`, I  was having trouble thinking of what race/class I should marry her too.

The class hit me out of the blue yesterday. Of course, if she's a reaper I should marry her off to an assassin!

Now, the only question is do I marry her off to a human or a kindred assassin?

The name is also a question…

I really want to name him after Rain.

Maybe name him Wolfs`Rain, after a favorite anime of mine. Since my girl is a wolf, he's her mate, and Rain loves anime? I wonder if Rain would be flattered by that.  :)

 - Writing - Again, I did two days worth of revision yesterday. I think that I might be able to finish this today if I really work at it. Then I'd only need to let it rest a day or two and read it for flow before I work on the chapter 9 revisions… I'm so excited to be getting closer to my chapter 10 again. 10 is when everything changes. 10 is the major sex scene… 10 is when some dark sides come to the surface…

10 is where it gets interesting.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!


13 hours, 21 minutes, 57 minutes to fall asleep, 17 times awake, 29 times restless, 132 minutes awake/restless…

OMG!! WTF Fitbit… WTF?!

 - Fur-babies - I had the most wonderful cuddle from Dreamy yesterday morning. Unfortunately I really had to pee, so the cuddle got cut short. I felt so bad for disappointing him. He did come back again later in the afternoon and just stayed to his chair. I was on the phone with Bran at the time and taking care of some dinner too.

Catmom says that he'll go outside for a little bit and now when he comes in, he doesn't even hesitate anymore. He just walks right to my door and then looks at her like, "Well, are you going to knock?"

I love it.

He's the best therapy cat.

I love him with all my heart.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - I've had no trouble keeping it to 3 lately. I feel pretty good about that.

I checked my blood sugar this morning and it was high. I did get up and eat a snack packet of fruit snacks in the middle of the night, though. Those things are mostly sugar. I really should be checking my blood sugar daily. I should be doing this in the mornings before coffee and that's the problem.

It's BEFORE coffee.

I don't want to do ANYTHING before coffee.

But I really do need to be monitoring my blood sugars. 


Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - Somethings different.

I feel closer to him again.

I feel close to him the way I did when he first left. Like he was so far away in body but in soul we were never more on the same page.

He says he might come home soon.

Something happened with his current living arrangement and he can't stay where he's currently residing. So, there's that. I think he's ready to admit that the north has beaten him. He got in the trainings he was able to get in. He did what he could in the time that he had. I think he's done.

I think he's coming home.

It's probably really dangerous for me to hope about something like that…

But, I know he doesn't want to move again just to have to move yet again in a couple of months. I know he's not happy. I know he wants to come home.

I especially know how done he is with _her_.

He wants out.

It's about time he took the out.

 - The Unicorn - I'll have to have her check the heart cord between me and Bran when I see her again. Like I said, something is different… it's like I can feel him again and it doesn't hurt.

I feel closer to him again, and it doesn't hurt.

Something is different.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.

 - Rain - I’m still all smiles.

Even just the short amount of time we had together. Even though I felt greedy for more and like it wasn't enough. It sure as hell sustained me.

If I feed tonight like I expect to, I might even be good for awhile!!

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing new to report.

 - The Hopefuls - FRIDAY!! - Ye Gods, I hope this goes well!

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

All in all, I feel pretty amazing.

Much better than I've felt in a really long time.

Don't get me wrong.

That doesn't mean that more dark times aren't coming.

The wheel always turns, remember?

I'm just enjoying it while I can.

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