Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Better sleep... better everything. :)

So, I did it again.

Woke up with Rain being the first thing on my mind and had to restrain myself from messaging him. I wanted to give him some space and the opportunity to be the one to message me first.

He did, within like, 10 minutes.

He explained, again, that he's been really busy this week. And I told him it was okay and that I just didn't want to be a pest. But, to be honest. I really DON'T feel like a pest with him…

Mostly… anyway…


Fuck it, I just love him. And deep down I'm still scared that love is going to scare him away. I know it won't, and I trust him, but I still have that fear that I'm going to over do it with the 'clingy'.

Ye Gods… I can NOT wait to see him again!!

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I saw Bubbles yesterday. I told her how 'off' I was feeling and expressed a strong interest in adding another sleep med to the mix. She told me about a new one (and yeah, there could be complications, of course). This new med doesn't trigger the 'sleep now' chemical in the brain, it inhibits the 'wake now' chemical in the brain.

This is ideal for my needs!!

The anti-psychotic she has me on already helps me GET to sleep. But, it does a shitty job of KEEPING me asleep. I wake up frequently during the night and I don't feel the least bit rested. This new med could change that.

She has to go through a bit of red tape and hoops to get it to me, but I’m hoping to have it by the end of the week.

 - Writing - GOOD NEWS!! I'm FINALLY comfortable with 'revision/editing' being a multi-day process by chapter. AND, now that I'm not rushing through it, I'm able to spot more places where tone and flow aren't hitting in the right places. So, in the long run this is very good and I'm really looking forward to this story being successful when it's finished.

Also, the more I memorize the basics of story structure, the PLANNING phase will go much smoother in further works. And so the writing and revision/editing will take less time because I'll have done so much right the first time instead of having to go back and painstakingly fix everything.

*fingers crossed*

That being said. I'm really laser focused on Torvus right now. Even to the point of considering skipping over more writing contests on Scribophile or even participating in either of the Camp NaNoWirMo's this year.

I'm really thinking about ONLY focusing on Torvus.

I think it's the best thing for me. It's where my both my head and my heart are. Anything else would be a disservice to both Torvus and the other stories.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - The fitbit reports that I got NINE hours last night!! - Awake 3 times, Restless 15 times. No wonder I feel better today.

 - Fur-babies - Two visit's from Dreamy and one from Splotches yesterday. Splotches didn't request cuddles, but Dreamy came to be both times.

The second time was weird.

Dreamy was 'off' yesterday too.

He was in an aggressively affectionate place. Intense licking, biting, scratching… my hand is all tore up today. Then, when it was close to the time for him to go home, he was up on top of my cupboards again! Catmom had to come back later, and then he was ready to go home. It should be interesting to see where he's at today and if he's in a better mood today too.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Only 3 today. Rockin' it.
 - INR - Testing today, expect update tomorrow.
 - Nervous System - Adjustment today, expect update tomorrow.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I was really OFF with Bran yesterday. Absolutely all the resentment was right there, on the surface. And he talked to me several times during the day…

I know what it was.

I'm still fucking pissed at him for having the nerve to tell me that he was even remotely worried about me in 2016. For fucks sake. He implied that even when he was putting _her_ first, EVERY TIME, that he was still *concerned* about me.


And I called him on his bullshit too.

No one listens to rivers of tears and emotional trauma and then says 'you have to stop picking fights with me over stupid shit'.

No one hears PAIN and responds with 'you have to leave, make plans to move out by next month'.



Concerned about me, my ass.

Fuck off.

I hate everything you put me through.

I hate everything you allowed her to put me through.

You stopped being concerned for me for a year, and now I've spent close to six months ALONE, without you. Without your love, without any part of you and I'm just mother fucking FINE.

I can survive without you.


Relationships / Sweeties:

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report, but I'm hopeful something will turn up this week. I may have a return visit.  :) He's in the 'One Timers' below.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - OMGOMGOMG! I get to see him today!!

- Rain - He's been in touch, which has been lovely. It's so incredibly comforting to know that he's still there. He's not going anywhere. I hope I see him soon.

Not gonna lie… one moment of his lips against mine or his arms around me and literally every bad day I've ever had in my entire life just evaporates.

Depression is like dwelling too much on the past. Anxiety is like worrying too much about the future. Having both is hell and he takes both of them away from me. He keeps me mindful of the present when he gives me the gift of his affection.

*warm purr*

Can't wait to see him again. I just love him so fucking much.  :)

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers -

 - Massage Guy - NOT his actual code name!! There was this wonderful guy that I met up with a month and a half ago. He was really wonderful. He kept me face down for our entire encounter and spent a good hour just massaging every tension out of my body before he just effortlessly slipped inside me and fucked the hell out of me.

You read that right.

He relaxed me completely, and then followed that with an intense fucking.

He says he wants to do it again. I'd honestly thought I'd never hear from him again, but he just told me that he's been super busy. It's very comforting to know that I've been on his mind lately. I'm looking forward to a repeat of our first visit.

And see! This is why I NEVER write off any of the one timers! I've had a handful of them come back!! Sometimes it's weeks, or even months, before they come back. But they do come back.


 - The Hopefuls -

 - Photographer Guy - ALSO not his code name!! We chit chatted on FetLife quite a while ago. For some reason he's hitting me up again and looking forward to taking some artful nudes of me. He sent me a pose chart and I'm going to be asking the Blue Falcon to take those pictures of me tonight so that this guy can see what he's working with.

Yeah yeah, I know, sounds like a scam to get sexy pics out of me.

Sure… who cares! Why not! It might give me more pics that I can put on FetLife, so I'm not complaining.

Relationships / Heart Breakers:

 - Jasper - He's still around. He'll be still around.

I feel bad for him… I know he's really hurting right now. I wish there were more I could do that would help him. I can tell how badly he needs the help.


So… that's where we are.

Rain is on my mind more than anyone, but I'm glad to get some health stuff and a visit with the Blue Falcon in today.

Tomorrow should have a more interesting update.

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