Monday, March 20, 2017

I hope it's just a depression thing...

During my cuddle date with Cookie, we both discussed how we'd wean ourselves from sending messages to people if they seemed to not be responding. We've both gone through the 'being ignored' thing. Or, at least, that's the way that we've felt sometimes, and that's not always what's going on. The Blue Falcon, in particular, has mentioned more than once that he's bad at responding to texts. If anything, that's probably very closely linked to the Blue Falcon's autism. If he's not physically connected to someone in some way (in person or over the phone) he doesn't feel that connection and without it, he lets the conversation drop. Whereas, me, I prefer text/messaging/email because they give me more time to contemplate my answers as well as giving my poor memory a written record of a conversation.

We all have our own things…

So, that being said, I did tap Gingersnap yesterday, without a reply. But, I'm also aware of things happening on his end that are making his life very difficult for him right now. So, I’m not holding that against him at all.

And speaking of Cookie, he did tap in yesterday just to let me know that he had to go out of town for work again, so there would be no further cuddle dates until next month sometime. *nods* I'm okay with this.

Much to my surprise, Jasper checked in yesterday. I'll update that in his section.

And don't worry, I'll get to those updated bio's soon so you all can keep track of my boys.  :)

So, the update then:

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Got a chance to lock down just a little bit of yarn therapy this morning. Got in quite a bit of game therapy last night. I feel as on point with the therapy as ever. So, no real complaints.

 - Writing - The plan is to do more of chapter 6 today. I'm getting a late start, though. I was on the phone with Bran, mucking about with Thunderbird, and getting just a little bit of cat cuddle in.

I received my first email directly to my Ascending Shadow email address. And by email I mean NOT SPAM. It's a legit author who’s looking for advanced readers willing to do an Amazon review in exchange for a free copy of his upcoming book. The book is about gaining Amazon reviews. Hell, I'm only in revision. No where near publishing or needing reviews. So, I wrote back and asked if there was some other way I could help.

Receiving the email set me back a bit on time this morning, though. I realized I needed a separate email client for reading and responding to Ascending Shadow emails. It’s been a LONG time since I've set up Thunderbird. I forgot how complicated it can be. But, I've got it working now. All is well.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - No complaints: 7 hours, 58 minutes, 2x awake, 15x restless. That's a higher amount of restlessness for less sleep… *sigh* It could be better.

 - Fur-babies - Really short cuddle from Dreamy this morning. Sorry for the lack of pics. He doesn't like it when I touch my phone.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Kept it to 3 today. Go me.
 - Inflammation - Going to try to pick up some turmeric tomorrow…

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I got to talk with him on the phone for a really long time this morning. He was stuck in the car waiting for _her_. Some shit she had to do in a place that doesn't allow cell phones to be brought in. So he had to wait in the parking lot and just be a lump while she took care of what needed taking care of.

It was really nice to talk to him, though.

It's not helping me feel anything for him. But, it was nice. I don't think we'll have trouble connecting when he finally comes home. It's going to be awkward at first. And not in the endearing way. But, it's going to be a lot of 'autopilot' in our relationship. Just going through the motions of being together while I feel nothing for him.

I know I want to give him the chance to make me fall in love with him again.

But, I'm acutely aware of the fact that I might not.

That saddens me deeply.

There's grief there. Not the quick, sharp, stabbing pain of sudden loss. But the slow, dragging throb of slowly falling out of love with someone.

He used to be the only thing that kept me going.

He used to be my rock. My standing stone. My one safe port in the raging storms.

And then he picked her over me. Over and over again. The one person I trusted to always protect me, didn't.

I forgive him.

But, I can't forget.

I will never forget.

 - The Unicorn - OSTARA!! I have her basket ready and I need to stuff eggs!! The hard part is going to be waiting for her to fall asleep so I can do the setup.

She's 13 now… how has she not figured out that Francess the Ostara Bunny doesn't exist?

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

- Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - He was on a date this weekend… I don't know yet if this means I’m losing him as a lover soon. It would REALLY suck if I lost him before April 3rd. I really need someone to get me through Bran missing our anniversary. The Blue Falcon would have been the most reliable thing there… and now he might be gone too.

 - Rain - He tapped in this morning. Which was wonderful. Ye Gods, I miss him so much. We have plans for this upcoming Sunday. He'll be meeting the Unicorn. Should be interesting.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - It was good to hear from Cookie. It's nice to know he's still there. I’m hopeful about Gingersnap as well.

 - The Hopefuls - Nothing new to report.
 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - I shared my concerns over Rain with Jasper. About the depth of the emotional attachment and how I know it's not the best choice but my emotions are getting away with me anyway.

He asked me what it was about Rain that made me love him so much.

It's the comfort.

Rain comforts me.

I'm going through something right now, where every day is pure agony, and Rain comforts me.

Who wouldn't love the person who could take their pain away?

I'm happy to report that I'm in a comfortable place with Jasper, finally. It's no longer like taking an auger to the chest when I talk with him. We're friends.

Just, nice, sweet, platonic friends.

I'm glad it doesn't hurt anymore.

Yeah… and I have Rain to blame for that too. Not in a bad way. Just the way that Rain takes my pain away.

Again, who wouldn't love someone who took away that kind of pain?

Can any of you really blame me for not listening to my logic and loving him as much as I do anyway?

Yeah, I'm going to lose him someday too. But, for now I have to hold onto anything that keeps me sane. And right now, that's him.

End Notes:

I need to wrap up…

Breakfast to eat and work to do.

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