Monday, March 13, 2017

Sometimes They Come Back:

I thought about waiting until tomorrow… but… fuck it.


I dropped him a note on OKC about a month ago. Just to wish him well and tell him that I think about him often.

I got this at around 6 pm tonight:

GINGERSNAP: Hello <name omitted> , I'm sorry for just disappearing on you I didn't mean to. thing haven't been going so good around here. Which isn't a acceptable excuse for my actions. I do want to stress the fact that it wasn't do to loss of interest or anything you did. I still think of you as well and quite fondly. Hope you're well Ginger snap​

I wrote back right away and told him that my door is always open to him.

We have a date on Thursday.

He's even going to spend the night.


I'm being careful.

He already disappeared on me once and that means he can do it again.

I’m not pinning any desperate emotional attachments on him. But, I will always owe him.

He was the one who pulled me out of the death spiral that got me working on writing Torvus again. Fortunately I was able to keep up the momentum once he disappeared. But, I still credit him with being the one who got me back to work on it. He shared so much in common with Daniel.


I'm fine.

It's just a date with an overnight.

My heart is already in a safe place.

I'm okay.

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