Thursday, March 9, 2017

Favorites Only Club:

I won't say that I don't get days like this often. And I'm pretty sure lack of sleep is the primary contributing factor. But, today (so far) I have no desire to see anyone new. We all know this happens. It's usually the harbinger of another death spiral, even if I have no reason to be having one. Stupid BPD.

Now, that's not to say that I wouldn't be interested in _everyone_ new. Remember how I felt about both Cookie and Rain before those first dates?

Yeah, so… sometimes the death spiral will still let someone get close, but only certain people. Like, I know I have to feel a connection towards them before that first in-person meeting.

It's almost like my subconscious or even my superconscious has some idea of how those connections will pan out. Cookie is still out of state, but we text, so I know he's not just another one night stand. Hell, I could even see Cookie joining the Favorites Only Club eventually.

And Rain, heh… well fuck me. He turned out pretty damn wonderful, now didn't he?

Something knows.

Something lets the right ones get close.

Shut up. Don’t talk about Alpha. He was a fluke. Also, I wasn't in the death spiral when I met him, so fuck off.


If Cookie, Rain, the Blue Falcon, or hell, even Jasper suddenly tapped in and said 'tonight?' - I'd have them over.

But, I know my emotional regulators are likely to be 'off' today. That means my potential for tears and breakdowns is heightened. So, it totally makes sense why it's a Favorites Only kind of day. Rain would quell a breakdown even before it started. Cookie would understand, but I don't know how he'd react. The Blue Falcon would just hold me because he's just that kind of a sweetheart.

Okay, so… I digress. On to the update!!

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - So… super weird thing. I got a call from Bubbles office today. The prior-auth for the new med was rejected and she had the nurse call me to as if the samples helped. What the French Toast? I was given no samples. So, I feel really weird about that. I'll see if I can check in with Bubbles when I go to see Valkyrie next week.

 - Writing - Really hoping to finish my Chapter 3 revisions today!!

 - Sleep / Fitbit - I seriously had the worst time trying to fall asleep last night. I was tossing and turning way more than normal. I think it was because I indulged in a few pieces of hard candy near bedtime, so I might have been on a little bit of a sugar high.

Nevertheless: Fitbit reports that I achieved 7 hours and 55 minutes of sleep. Awake 3 times, restless 16 times.

I really want this new med.

Kinda pissed that my insurance didn't want to authorize it.

 - Fur-babies - One visit from Dreamy yesterday, but no snuggles were requested. Maybe he smelled the Blue Falcon on me. I'm not sure. He just went into my bedroom and laid on my bed until Catmom came to get him.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - It's going to be 4 today. Fuck off, stop judging me.
 - INR - High end of normal. But still normal.
 - Nervous System - Seem to be in balance!! Despite only having been seen once since the dead space where I had no phone. He even TRIED to throw me out of whack and nothing. So we're scheduled out two weeks instead of one.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - Not a peep out of Bran yesterday. Totally normal for a day off when he can't even Snap because of _her_.

Relationships / Sweeties:

 - Recent Encounters - See Below - RE: Blue Falcon

 - Updates on Favorites -

- Recent Encounters - The Blue Falcon: He couldn't stay long. Altogether we clocked a little less than two hours. But it was still very quality time.

    - 1) good company: Ye Gods, where do I even start.

Do you know that the Blue Falcon is literally the only person who doesn't trigger my abandonment issues?

Now, one might take that the wrong way and assume that I'm just not that emotionally attached to him. And that's not true. I miss him when I don't see him. I'm sad when he has to leave. I enjoy my time with him.

Favorites are favorites for a reason.

But… and this is something that is truly unique unto him. He's just so balls out lawful good that when he says he's in my life forever, I honestly believe him.

He did give me the fair warning that he has met someone that he might like to date, and that's more than fine. I appreciated the advanced notice. We've always known that our sexual relationship is temporary. Neither of us has ever doubted or shied away from that truth.


I also know with everything in me that he's not going anywhere. Sure, yes, our relationship may change forms and we may shift in and out of platonic as his other relationships ebb and flow. Eventually he'll find his mate. But he's in my life forever. Our friendship will never die. I trust him implicitly in this.

Not only that, he's staked his claim on being a part of the Unicorn's life as well.

When I first told the Unicorn that he was coming over early on our date night, just to meet her, she panicked. She thought she'd scare him away. The last two times a potential sweetie came over early enough to meet her, they both bolted in about an hour.

One doesn't have a code name, but he's come back a few times. The relationship with him became purely sexual, though. So, I'm not interested in him any longer.

The other was Foxtrot, and he decided he was done with me after the second date. I really still miss Foxtrot at times. He had a great ass and he was fun to look at. I'm still baffled over how someone that beautiful wanted anything to do with me in the first place. So, I miss him, but I've moved on.

Anyway! I told the Unicorn that the Blue Falcon was coming over and she was all, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" - bless her heart, I think she blames herself for scaring away the other two. But, no, I told her it was fine and that the Blue Falcon had already proved himself to be a stable sweetie.

He's actually talking about taking us out to lunch at Kazama Ramen, since he knows just how much I've been dying to try that place out.  (*squee!*) - he's made it clear, more than once to me, and also to the Unicorn. He's not going anywhere.

He's the first sweetie that hasn't rejected her.

Hell even Bran rejected her at first. But, he had his own reasons that I totally understand. But, it still hurt anyway.

The Blue Falcon loves her. Accepted her right away. Told her right to her face that he's in her life for good.

He's the only guy who's ever done that. *tears up*

    - 2) good conversation: As usual, the conversation was all over the map. If you asked me now what we talked about, I couldn't tell you a damn thing.

I know we talked about our relationship and how it might change forms at times, but he'll always be there. We talked about male body parts having a mind of their own sometimes. I told him some personal stuff in my life.

I cried when I told him about my decision to become a kindness. I didn't mean to. It just happened. We were talking about all the times I've been hurt or abandoned and how that just made me even more compassionate. He asked the question of 'would I have been _as_ compassionate if I hadn't been hurt so much' - and the answer is yes. I don't blame the hurts for making me more compassionate. The hurts weren't a cause.

But then I told him about the day I had my epiphany. When I realized that no one was coming for me. No one is going to save me. No one will ever help me, and I'm in this all alone.

I cried and he put his hand over mine.

I didn't mean to cry.

It was an emotional release that needed to happen, and it speaks to how much I really do trust him.

I usually keep my tears to myself because so few people deserve the honor of seeing me that vulnerable.

Anyway… so I cried… and then I told him about my decision to be the kindness.

It's because I can't tolerate the thought of anyone else feeling as lonely or as isolated as I do. So I seek the pain in others. I draw it out. I heal it. I help them move on.

But… I know that no one like that is coming for me.

That much is true.

That is an unwavering fact.

No one will ever care that much about me.

No one will ever look me in the eyes and say 'no, you're not' when I lie and say that I'm okay.

It's never going to happen and I have to suck it the fuck up and deal with that.

But, I'll be damned if I will ever allow anyone else to suffer.

I'll be the hero for everyone I meet if I have to. Because I know that no one will ever be the hero that I need.



Got off on a little bit of a tangent there.

    - 3) good snuggles: Because he told me that he couldn't stay long, I suggested that we proceed directly to the snuggles. Oh yeah… the clothes came off immediately.

Ye gods I love cuddling him. He's so forward!! Willing to make every first move and initiate all the kisses and touch. I love that about him. There was lots of kissing. Lots of holding… lots of talking, but we already covered that.

    - 4) good sex: Ahh… now that I think about it. This was BEFORE that little emotional release of mine.




*sigh* - So, as always, the sex with the Blue Falcon was good. I enjoy him a great deal, even if he's super gentle with me. We all know I can take it so much rougher. But, that's okay!!


BEFORE we had sex, I told him what it was about Jasper that had been so amazing.

The fact that Jasper had actively PINNED me down and said, "You can resist me as much as you want to." (omg *swoon*) - The Blue Falcon also shared that he'd read the sex scene in Torvus where Daniel binds Jessa up. AND - I had confessed to the Blue Falcon that I bleed on the edges of rape fantasy.

So, he knew he could go a bit harder with me, and I think he tried to accommodate. He also noticed a shift in my moaning at some point and he asked if I was okay because it sounded to him like I might be on the verge of crying. I told him that would be amazing if I were. And that crying during sex is optimal. That kind of emotional release has only ever happened with me once and it was beautiful.

Okay… so… I really need to figure out some sort of exercise so that my legs don't get so worn out so fast. But, not unlike with Rain… the Blue Falcon could tell that I was wearing out and he suggested we switch positions.

So, we went with me face down… my body propped up on pillows… very close to doggie style and holy fuck!

He was able to get some depth and some leverage there. If my ass would have been a tiny bit less bony he would have really torn into me. He could tell how much I loved it the harder that he went, and I could tell after awhile that he was actually _trying_ to make me scream.

Fuck yes!

He gets it.

Make the girl scream should always be the goal. And make me scream he did.

Then I wore him out, LOL.

So we went back to snuggles and the rest of that you pretty much know.

 - Rain - Well… he has his song now.

You read that right.

Rain has triggered enough emotional response to him that he now has a song attributed to him.

This isn't really a surprise. I mean the 'having a song' part. I was aware that a song might decide to hit, so I was keeping my ears open.

It's the song itself that is a surprise.

Not Gonna Die - by Skillet

A lot of the lyrics that came through definitely screamed Rain's name at me. So, I looked them up and there was one particular lyrical bit that didn't seem to fit. So, I asked him about it. I asked if he ever felt like giving up during the worst of the bullying, and he said no. So, fine, whatever - I said. Not his song - I said.

I'm not leaving your head - the song said.

Mmrph? - I said.

So, then I get ready to go yesterday, queue up my Spotify so I can continue to listen for Rain's song and what's THE FIRST SONG that plays? Yep, Not Gonna Die. You all know what a firm believer in radiomancy I am.

Okay, so now I’m baffled. I KNOW something's up with that song, but I don't want to ask Rain about it until I can get home and responsibly type out the full question. I told him what happened, how the song triggered but didn't fit with what I knew about him. I told him how it wouldn't leave my head anyway and how it was the first song that played. I did NOT tell him about the radiomancy bit. But I did express that it all gave me the 'weirds'.

He asks for the song, just as I expected him to.

Now, I was ALSO expecting him to come back with 'nope, not me'.

And instead I got: "Yep, totally explains me."

*blink*blink* What the French Toast?

How the hell?

OH! Yeah, and then he tells me to go check out the extended version with the creepy intro.


One of these days I'd really like to know what it is about Rain that hits me so hard in all the right places. I would really love it if my feelings for him didn't confuse the fuck out of me.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to walk away from this or figure out some way to sabotage it or anything. I DO trust him and I plan to keep trusting him. I just want to know what it is about him that's so special. Why he gets this level of trust from me when I keep my walls so thick with everyone else.

Someday, I'd really like to know what's up with that.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - No one is re-blipping my radar right now.

 - The Hopefuls - There's a short list of hopefuls, but no one is making it to the Favorites Only Club so far today.

Relationships / Heart Breakers:

 - Jasper -

Nothing from Jasper yesterday.

I'm okay with this.

I'm FINALLY starting to heal from this one.

Three guesses why?

Yep… Rain.

It's all Rain.

As soon as Rain and I started getting close, my longings for Jasper pretty much evaporated.

End Notes:

It felt stupid to keep ending my entries talking about Jasper. So, I've added this End Notes section to wrap things up.

There is one last thing on Rain.

I was really happy with the lead artwork image on yesterdays entry. It was a good image that ported well into my social media cross posting. It was just this really rock solid 'Burning the Hydra' kind of image. And I just blipped it in passing with Rain yesterday. Just a brief mention of how that image worked really well for the entry.

He immediately agreed.

Not, he asked me to link him to the entry.

Not, he took the time to go check it out and then replied with his 'agree'.

Oh no. He immediately agreed.

Like he's keeping up with this blog and knows my every thought on him. (yes, even  the scary as fuck thoughts).


Nevermind. I’m probably just reading WAY too much into it. You all know I have a way of doing that.

It's iso-standard for anyone with Borderline Personality Disorder. We have pedestals. We put people on them. We damn near worship them. Right now that's where Rain is. On a pedestal.

Top reason why he scares the crap outta me. (HAH! PUN!! 'top reason' LOL)

No matter how much I trust him, I'll keep looking over my shoulder. I'll keep waiting for him to drop. This is the way Borderlines love. It's totally normal for my fucked up mind to expect him to betray or hurt me in some way.

It's okay.

Really. I mean it. It's okay.

I don't mean it in a 'look me in the eyes and say "no, it's not" kind of okay'. I do mean it's really okay this time.

This is the way that Borderlines love.

The fact that I’m so scared of losing him only means that I've found something truly wonderful in him. Something that deserves that pedestal. He's special to me.

He always will be.

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