Thursday, March 2, 2017

Lots of hope... (only some of it nice hope, though)

So much to update on…

Yesterday was a quiet day in terms of the writing. But it was a hectic and progressive day in other ways.

HEY! There's a Bran update in this entry!! (a good one!)

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - The most recent PTSD nightmare seems to have worked it's way out of my system. Also, the most recent depression/anxiety death spiral seems to have let up a bit.

What I've noticed is that it's all in the delivery. If the person in question seems selfish, I'll block them. But if I meet someone really giving, I'm all for it. I don't know if that makes me the selfish one or not… and I’m not even really sure that I care.

I need to be taking care of me right now.

If I’m lucky enough to encounter guys who want to help me take care of me, then it's still a win/win for them too.

 - Writing - I re-read my chapters one and two yesterday, but didn't have time to do any work. Then, when I got home all I wanted was to curl up with a bottle of whiskey.

Right now, I’m blaming my period for this.

Not sure how today is going to work out. I was expecting to not feel like doing the work, but my body/mind seem to be surprising me.

I think I just might have been exhausted from my trip out yesterday too. It had been awhile since I did that because of the issues with my phone.

 - Sleep - I got to bed late last night because of Bran. And I'm okay with that. Woke up once during the night for a water refill. Woke up before the alarm today, but didn't get up. I went back to sleep and then the alarm got me up. So, all well and good. No nightmares.

 - Fur-babies - One visit already today. Catmom smells like she's been sipping on her grown up juice, again. Splotches requested cuddles, but Dreamy just went and curled up on my bed. I'll probably see Dreamy for better snuggles later today.

I was more interested in the message exchange with Jasper anyway.  (update below)

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Four today. Shut the fuck up. Don't judge me.

 - INR - In normal range yesterday. 2.0 - no change to the rat poison regimen.

 - Nervous System - It had been so long since I've seen my chiropractor that my body was pretty out of whack. No surprise that the sphenoid was in dire need of adjustment. Probably one of the reasons why I’m in a better place today in terms of the emotional stuff.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - So, I get this call yesterday prevening… Bran telling me he hates driving/parking at X-location. Turns out this was his sly way of telling me that he's in the cities.

These are issues surrounding _her_. I'm not going to tell you what they were. It just meant that Bran was sent into the cities… she's staying in the cities for a day, maybe more, no one is sure. He had to drive back last night for work.


He came over.  :)


He brought my Spawn some white chocolate (that I will give to her next weekend). He brought a chocolate bar for me too AS WELL AS some boxed chocolates!! - He's officially forgiven for having to bail on me for boxed chocolate day. He still owes me for Thanksgiving and Jewish-Christmas. He's probably still going to owe me for our anniversary too. But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

He also gave me a new coffee maker!! - This was in the back of his truck and part of me is wondering if _she_ will notice that it's gone.

I'm also wondering how the hell she didn't suspect that he came to see me last night.

There were cock worship kisses and some cuddles on the couch. No actual sex or laying in my bed because that would have made him too tired for the drive back. There were goodbye kisses too.

Bran was turned down for his home loan. So he'll be living with me when he comes back. I'm okay with this. Like, really okay! He figured out he should be able to stretch out enough on my couch, and… omg… get this. He even told me that he's been considering getting a memory-foam topper for his bed up north, just so he can try to acclimate his body to sleeping on memory-foam.

It's probably bullshit. But, it was a really nice thought.

We also discussed what's going to happen with _her_ when he comes back to me.

As much as I want to throw it in her face that Bran and I never broke up. Bran and I both know that would be bad. On my end, I know that it would make what happens to her all Bran's fault. On his end, he knows that would be suicide inducing and he doesn't want her death on his hands.

Also, and we both agree on this, when he DOES come back to me. Her fatalist mind set will place all the solid blame on herself. She will believe with her entire being that she had her best chance with him and SHE was the one who ruined it for herself. She will believe that she poisons everything she touches. Which she does. But she'll finally have proof of it.

I think that the finality of that will be the perfect, final punishment for her. That will be the culmination of all of her karma with me. And with Bran too, for that matter.

The kids will be fine. Her parents will see to that.

She'll be in a dark hole for awhile. Hopefully she won't get into a new relationship right away and she'll take some time to grow from her experience with me, and with Bran.

I don't wish for her to be in pain forever. I want her to pay for the damage she did to me, yes, and I believe that she will. But, I do want her to be able to grow and move on. Hopefully finding a better daddy for her kids and maybe even a father she can stay with for more.

I won't go so far as to say that I wish her well. I hope she pays and pays dearly for a really long time. But, I also know that a smart person would grow from all that pain.

Maybe, someday, I might even get a heartfelt apology from her.


I'm not holding my breath.

Relationships / Sweeties:

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Jasper - So… Jasper and I tapped in with each other this morning. I sent him a note to let him know Bran had been to visit me, and he responded by telling me that he's been invited into a threesome today.

It's his first time. So, he's feeling a really justifiable level of anxiety about it.

I talked him through it, and he's going ahead with it. I even taught him the mindful body meditation to reduce his anxiety going in.

I’m not going to detail the whole conversation. That would be taking this too far.



Okay, you know the rules, save for what I left out of my entries regarding Copperhead, these are always unfiltered.

I've got that auger digging into my chest again.


Ye gods, please don't hate me for this, I KNOW that I DID have ulterior motives for advising Jasper to take the threesome.

I’m hopeful that one way or another this means I don't have to give up having sex with him.

I did have the chance to tell him that sex with him was literally a religious experience. He blushed and thanked me for the high praise.


Don't get me wrong.

I still will NOT have sex with him if it's going to hurt him.

I’m just hopeful that some part of his experience today will make him want to have sex with me again.

I'll be fine if he doesn't. I mean, it will be hard to take, of course. But, I will never ever want him to do anything with me that doesn't feel right to him.

 - Blue Falcon - I forgot to mention that I had a brief ping from the Blue Falcon while I was on my date with Rain. He just wanted the link to Scribophile for a friend.

Okay… put this in context… this means that *I* came up in conversation with him and another of his friends.

He was thinking of me.  :)


Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers -

 - Cookie - I'm going easy on Cookie because I know he's out of town for work until the middle of the month. But, we do tap in… so… hey!! Yay!

- Rain - I got a 'Morning' from Rain at about 6 am. I sent him back a picture of my full coffee cup on my second caffeine run. Nothing back from him, yet, but HE'S OUT OF TOWN TOO. He's way up north on a short vacation. Coming back after this weekend.

The point is. He's there.

I hope he's okay being loved.

I need to make sure to tell him that he doesn't need to love me back.

 - The Hopefuls - Exchanged some messages/texts with a new hopeful last night. We mutual liked and I said 'hi and thank you'. He asked if that was all I wanted to say. About that time I'd refreshed myself on his profile and saw how he's looking for a little spoon. (if this one matures, I'm totally code naming him 'Spoon' or 'Spooner') I told him that I’m in dire need of a big spoon. He also offered a massage, which I will gratefully take.

We've established that he's very Dominant, aggressive, and more than willing to take the 'pin my wrists with one hand while pulling my hair with the other' challenge.

We'll see where it goes.

I'm hopeful. Of course.

If he can pin me down just right… AND if he comes back… then I'll have an easier time letting Jasper go.


Okay… I'm done. 

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