Monday, March 13, 2017

Little Love Taps:

Woke up to a note from Rain this morning.

It scared the hell out of me at first.

I thought it was goodbye, and that would have been bad. But it wasn't, so I think we're mostly okay. I'll give you the details in his section.



Here's the thing.

The worst thing that could ever happen to me has already happened, and I’m still here.

Set broke me so hard that my mind literally shattered. Including me, the person typing this, there are six people stomping around in my skull. The others rarely come to the surface, but I hear their voices sometimes. I'm lucky that they're so loving. But, that's beside the point.

Even the things I went through last year with Bran and _her_ weren't as bad.

Yes, I broke.

Yes, I broke HARD.

Yes, I was still left rebuilding my mind from nothing, again.

But the process, even though it was the most painful thing I'd ever endured, took less time than it did with Set.

I'm actively STILL in recovery from what Set did to me.

Granted, I'm still in recovery over what happened last year too.

Lots of recovery.

And, also lots of barely surviving what I’m going through with Bran right now.

There are details that I can't get into yet. Not while _she_ is still floating around, brushing the edges of my sphere.


The point is.

I've been hurt before.

So, it doesn't matter what Rain throws at me.

I know I can take it.

It might hurt like hell, especially if he leaves me when I still need him. But, I know I can survive anything.

If I can survive Bran leaving me. Both his emotional abandonment because of _her_ and his physical abandonment because of work… If I can move on after Bran.


I can move on after anyone.


I digress…

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Nothing new to report.

 - Writing - Hopefully on Chapter 4 some more (the Unicorn is still with me, so it might be Buffy/Angel instead)

 - Sleep / Fitbit - Last night was rough because the Unicorn is sick. Still 7 hours and 51 minutes, 4x awake, 19x restless. Which is better than what I'd expected.

 - Fur-babies - No visits yesterday. Most likely due to us being gone most of the day.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - See above, RE - 4x awake, 19x restless. So, it's going to be 4 today and you totally can't judge me for it.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I tried calling him last night. The Unicorn had accidentally deleted a very important picture off her iPhone. She asked me if there was a way to recover it. I don't know, because iAnything gives me the heebie jeebies. (you can than Set for that negative association).

So, I tried to call him.

He didn't answer.

He never even called or messaged me to ask what was up.

One way or another. It was because of _her_ that he couldn't talk to me.

Someday I might tell you what happened there and why she's still around. But, that time isn't now.

 - The Unicorn - She got really sick last night.

She knew she was coming down with something on Saturday. But, I think all that time running around outside with the Blue Falcon made it so much worse. She was coughing a lot. So, I brought her a cough drop. Next thing I know she's puking her guts up on the living room carpet.

I haven't had to clean up her vomit since she was in diapers. It was an experience.

Bedtime was particularly harsh on both of us. She was coughing so hard that it kept her awake and she was getting really frustrated. I was able to talk her into taking some night time cold medicine. It seems to have helped. She's still asleep now, anyway.

I hope she heals fast.

I hate it when she's sick.

She doesn't have school today or tomorrow, so she's staying with me extra days!! YAY!!

Relationships / Sweeties:

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report. - Had it not been for snow and 'no school' there might have been a Blue Falcon update. But, that will come on Thursday.

 - Updates on Favorites -

- Blue Falcon - I'm in a really weird place with the Blue Falcon this morning.

BUT! I want to be 100% clear that it's ALL PTSD. Everything that weirds me out about the Blue Falcon is a direct result of what JerkDad put me through for four long years.


Point One = he paid for our lunch yesterday. Even going the extra bit to order the appetizer for us to share.

Point Two = he donated 10 dollars to the zoo yesterday. Also paid his own money to buy the Unicorn a zoo souvenir. AND he bought her some Easter candy too. Not to mention tissues and some vitamin-c supplement (for him, but he tried REALLY hard to get her to drink it too)

Point Three = I let it slip that I was planning on going Ostara shopping on the 15th. I clarified later (via message so the Unicorn couldn't hear).

The Blue Falcon didn't even skip a beat.

He was totally all, "I'll take you to the bank and take you shopping." - just like it meant nothing to him to take time away from play time for us to get some of my random adulting done.

Granted, yes, he's USED to being a chauffeur. He does it for all his friends and truly doesn't mind. But, it still weirds me out.

He even said something to the point of him being a reliable source of a 'ride' for me. I told him what an ordeal it had been to get to the pharmacy when I had my ear infection and he just said, "Well, now you have a reliable person who will give you a ride."


What the hell?!

I can't rely on anyone!

People fucking leave. They leave all the time. Or in Bestie's case, they trip over dogs, break their feet, and can't drive for six weeks. It's balls out stupid for me to rely on anyone but me.

But, there you have it.

The Blue Falcon is nothing if not stable. And he's so damn Lawful Good that he'd probably be insulted if I didn't call him for a ride if I really needed one. 

*sigh* It's a lot to process.

SO… In my last entry I promised introspection.

My favorite part of yesterday was just how much the Blue Falcon interacted with the Unicorn. She told me they even raced each other when they went back to get her souvenir. That's it. I mean, yeah, it's a lot. Especially for me. He's the only person who not only a) didn't reject her, but also b) made it a personal goal to win her friendship.

Like I said. Even Bran rejected her at first. And yes, he had his reasons. I forgave him even though he really hurt me.

But, the Blue Falcon. He just accepts her.

All of her.

It's really special to see someone making an effort to bond with her.

I love him for that.

 - Rain - *facepalm*


I'm not going to copy/paste the message that I woke up to this morning. What Rain said to me was private and for my eyes only. I will, however, tell you that he told me he'd read my blog and he agrees with the Blue Falcon's cautions regarding him.

Queue the gut wrenching anxiety.

At first I thought Rain was saying goodbye. It took me a bit to calm the fuck down and re-read the note. He wasn't saying goodbye. But he was agreeing with the Blue Falcon.

Part of me feels compelled to start filtering these entries.

Part of me can't stand the thought of Rain knowing how I really feel about him.

And then the other part of me tells the first part to shut the fuck up and remember that Rain himself said it was nice to feel wanted and needed. He might even read these entries because he actually likes feeling wanted/needed, and he knows I won't hold back here like I do when we're chatting or in person. All those things that I can't say out loud… I think they're things he needs to hear. So, he comes here to get that from me because this is the only place where I don' t hide behind any masks at all.

(still scary)

I want to continue moving forward with Rain.

Yes, he's super young!! There's a 25-year age difference between us. Granted, he's exceptionally mature for someone so young. But, the reality is, he's just starting out in life. He's got a long way to go and large portions of that way is sure to be less than comfortable.

He's already done at least one walk through the underworld. But, we all know that people like us. Empaths and healers especially. We make that walk dozens of times in our lifetimes and it fucking hurts every fucking time.

He's got a long way to go.

My sincere hope is just that he'll let me walk next to him on that path. I'm sure he'll be tempted to push me away, the same way I keep feeling tempted to push him away.

I think both of us need to shut the fuck up and trust each other on that one.


Truth is. I need to love someone right now.

I really do.

I don't really even need that person to love me back. I never do. My love is unconditional.

But… and gods this hurts to admit… I really just need someone to not panic and run away if I tell him that I love him. I just need someone to accept my love and let it happen. I just need someone to not hold me at arms length or flat out push me away.

This thing with Bran right now.

It hurts more than I have words the words to express.

Loving Rain takes my mind off the pain.

Loving Rain gives me the strength I need to just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

He's not the first, and he won't be the last. This was the Dragon. This was Gingersnap. Hell, this was even Mahaugany for a bit. Oh yeah, I guess Jasper really counts in there too, doesn't he?

The difference is that the Dragon and Gingersnap never came back to see me a second time. And Mahaugany never even made it to me for a first time. Jasper is his own special snowflake of added abandonment and pain. But, we won't get into that.

Rain has survived the second date and is actively working making it out to a third.

He's promised me, over and over again, that I'm not scaring him away and that as needy and as clingy as I get, he's dated worse.


The Blue Falcon was the one who put it in perspective.

Now, he was talking about HIMSELF when he said it, but it applies to Rain too:

The Blue Falcon is aware of my line of Cougar/cubs that stretches around the block. He's aware that I experience a lot of one night stands. And that's all well and good and he doesn't judge me for it. But, he says I really need someone who is both stable and reliable. Someone who will come back and not always leave me to walk my own underworld alone.

Things hurt right now.

I need stable/reliable people.

Favorites are favorites for a reason.

I need both the Blue Falcon and Rain right now.

I'd get through this without them. But, damn… it's really nice to hurt so much less when I have them there for me.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
 - The One Timers - Nothing new to report.
 - The Hopefuls - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:
 - Jasper - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

I cried my eyes out writing all of this.

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