Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Unicorn's date with the Blue Falcon (and I was there too)

I will do the standard mental health report after this entry. So, stay tuned. I decided to keep them separate just in case you weren't interested in the full date report.

Now, some of you might have seen my Facebook post about loving the way that the Blue Falcon interacts with the Unicorn. So, my apologies if this is repetitive.

He wanted to be her friend.

He wanted to be her friend before he ever met her.

They're both high functioning autistics and… the Blue Falcon just 'staked a claim'. I mean, I think he would have done that even if she weren't autistic. He's just that kind of sweetheart. But, I think he too a pretty specific interest in her once he learned that she was autistic too.

He asks her the kinds of questions I wouldn't think to ask her, and he relates to her when she tells him her answers. A lot of things that he dealt with growing up are things that she's going through now. So, he just had it in his mind, before he ever even met her… he decided that he was going to be a positive role model in her life.

He's the first person who's ever taken that kind of an interest in her.

The first two sweeties that met her when they were supposed to hang out until she left to be with me alone… they both bolted within an hour of meeting her.

Even Bran himself rejected her at first.

So, the Blue Falcon is just balls out *different* and in the best way possible.

Okay, so, the date!!

He came to pick us up around 11 am. The Unicorn was just finishing up an episode of her show on Netflix. They discussed it briefly. That's when I found out they both speak fluent Naruto.

Then we went to Ramen Kazama for lunch.

Real ramen is INTERESTING. The Unicorn and I both went with the 'Old School'. But, I had to take frequent tummy breaks because something about the ramen seemed very 'rich' to me. It wasn't until my broth cooled down that I realized what it was. Turns out the broth was mostly fat. BLECH!! It was still a good experience. The Blue Falcon says he's had better ramen at a different joint and he's going to take me/us out to that one next time.

I think it's wonderful that so many ramen joints are starting to open up in the cities!! I can't wait to try more.  :)

He also bought us these drinks in really unique bottles with a marble inside. If you try to drink it too fast, the marble will go into the opening and stop the fluid. The bottles are designed to teach you to slow down when you drink. The Unicorn kept the bottles because they were so much fun.

During lunch the Blue Falcon started throwing out ideas on what we could do with the rest of our time together.

Wait, what?

Yeah. He wanted to actively spend more time bonding with her and not just go back to my place for Netflix.

He suggested walking the skyways downtown, or bumming around the Mall of America. But, if you know the Unicorn, you know which option she picked as soon as he said it. My animal loving Unicorn picked the Como Zoo and Conservatory.

They were gentle with me. They gave me lots of opportunities to sit down and kept me out of the cold as much as possible. There were lots of pictures posted to my Instagram, which filtered through to my Facebook and Twitter. So, if you missed any of them just let me know. I'll be happy to send you links.

And, no.

I am sorry to report that I still have not fulfilled my dream of getting a hug from a sloth.

While they were running around I discovered that they both speak fluent Pokemon as well. (they even run exactly the same!)

I didn't really see any animals that got me super excited. Not even the wolves. It was just too cold to enjoy anything.

Some ideas were thrown out for what we could do after the zoo.

I suggested something that I knew we'd all enjoy once we got past the complexities of the rules.

We played a round of Carcassonne.

I've always enjoyed the game more when it is collaborative instead of competitive. So, that's the way I suggested we play it. And we did.

The Unicorn totally kicked our asses.

THEN we watched an episode of an anime on Netflix.

But, because of rough weather he had to cut our date short though.

This gives me a sad.

But, he's coming over again on Wednesday to make it up to me.


I think the best part was when the Unicorn told me that the Blue Falcon was very relatable.


It just makes me so excited and happy that he's not only a stable lover in my life, but he's making sure that she has someone stable and loving to look up to as well.


So, that wasn't super detailed. But, I think you got the general idea.

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